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By: Juliet Constantine

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; (Ephesians 3:16)

The World believes that there is an inner power that comes from within one’s own self. Many claim that we humans are more powerful than we realize; as the power within us, when properly focused, will achieve greater prosperity, health, wellness, vitality and enjoyment to live life to the fullest. Many persons, convinced of this reality have offered free assistance to anyone desirous of discovering and using their inner power.

However, what they do not realize is that even though this power is within, it does not come from man himself, but from God! Just as a house, in need of major repairs cannot repair itself, so it is with mortal man. Sinful man cannot fix what’s gone wrong in himself no matter his good intentions. He needs divine energy that can only be received from The Holy Spirit.

To be strengthened internally, with might by The Holy Spirit, means to be empowered, to be made strong, the works which eventually shows on the outside. In the physical world people lift weights to make themselves strong, or do yoga meditation. But in the spiritual realm believers can only be made strong by the indwelling of The Holy Spirit as we surrender ourselves wholly to God.

Knowing this Paul, on bent knees interceded for the internal strengthening of the Ephesians believers. Being separated from them he knew they may become discouraged, when tested, and may drift back into their old lifestyles. Paul prayed for the Ephesians that they would be fortified with divine energy to meet the trying times that would come; that they would know the love of Christ, and be filled with all the fullness of God.

In your Christian life, are you lacking spiritual power? Are you struggling with problems and finding it difficult to be obedient to God’s commands; to spend time in prayer and communion; is your prayer recited; is your worship ritualistic; is it difficult to share your faith? If you answer yes to any of the above then you need to be energized by The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to live in and strengthen you with power that you didn’t have before. Why not give Him the chance. In total surrender and confession, recommit your life to Jesus Christ and ask for His Holy Spirit to live in and re-energize you with divine power. We need to daily seek strength to live the victorious life.

Someone once said, “The Spirit works to strengthen us and renew our minds as we read God's Word and pray. If we neglect the Scriptures, seldom talk with the Lord, and stop fellow-shipping with Him, we will grow weak and vulnerable. Then we will be unable to withstand the pressure of temptation or trouble.” William MacDonald, Christian Author summarize it beautifully when he said: "Unlimited strength is at our disposal. Through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, the believer can serve valiantly, endure patiently, suffer triumphantly, and, if need be, die gloriously." Have you tapped into your power source today? What’s keeping you?

Our Father and God, please forgive us for neglecting the inner power you gave us to be triumphant over every besetting sin, to be happy and to live the more abundant life. We ask that you will renew Your Spirit in us and help us to always keep Him there. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)