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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


Being obedient and keeping God’s law isn’t a prerequisite for salvation. Only God’s grace can cleanse us from our sins. Nevertheless, obedience to God’s law is still required to show our love response to Him. We should be very careful that we do not equate our efforts at being obedient as God’s righteousness. It isn’t. We are saved only through faith in God’s gift of grace. And it is through faith with the help of the Holy Spirit that we will be able to remain obedient to God’s righteous requirements.

A great number of young and older persons do not believe in strict obedience to God’s words. They believed that time has changed and they must live a little. Like Eve, many seem to view God’s “thou shalt not” as a mystery to be explored and experienced. After all, God does forgive, doesn’t He? But what so many, like the Jews of old, fail to realize is that though God’s instructions were given long ago, they are all still relevant – even in the 21st century and beyond. 

It is interesting to note that the Statue which symbolizes freedom throughout the world is now believed to be freedom only in America. Why so? Because the American people believe they are truly free and they act like it. Many people from all over the world (who are and/or think they are in bondage in their country) are desirous of entering “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Many are still fleeing to this great country, even those who have been set free from the bondage of sin but not from its presence.

You can be the success God wants you to be. Your can be happy! Just follow the blueprint God gave you. In every facet of your life, acknowledge Him and allow Him to lead and direct your path. He promised that if you listen, you will hear His voice telling you the correct choice to make. Will you listen?

While God loves us unconditionally, His blessings seems to be on condition of our obedient response to Him. Throughout the Israelites journeys and the condition of their settlement in the promised land, their blessings was dependent on their "contract" with God. Their part in the contract was just to be obedient to God. This seems a very simple request, but many died as a result of disobedient.

Since we find it a joy (for others-we do out of compulsion) to obey most civil laws because of the freedom they affords, shouldn’t we be more than happy to obey God’s laws that offers us peace in all situations? His promise to us is that nothing will offend us; nothing will cause us to stumble when we do. God’s laws are his faithful instructions to us found in His word. They will provide guidance in the way we should ‘drive on the road of life’ so that we will not get derailed and loose our way. Just as we are happy to follow the Road Code, we will be happiest when we love His law.

So, what’s your testimony, what has God done for you lately? Who will be the first? Did God provide food in your hour of need? Did He provide a way of escape when you were tempted? Were you vindicated after being accused of something you weren’t guilty? Did God set you free from smoking, from drinking, from gambling, from being a womanizer? And the list goes on. There’s no need to feel ashamed. In stead, you should be thankful and joyful in telling your story of how God ransomed and set you free.

The Code justified my actions, instead of condemning me. The incident happened more than a decade ago but it still serves as reference point for many things. I was a young driver who had received strict advice from a friend that I should thoroughly know the Jamaican Road Code and drive by it. I took his advice literally and was very proud in holding my own on the streets. One day the police, with flashing lights tried to pull me over in a very deep corner.