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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


Perhaps you have strayed from the security with which you were brought up, and you’ll like to return home. The good Shepherd is searching for you. He is your Shepherd of love. He will not chide you over your waywardness, but instead, with open arms will put His robe on you and give you a welcoming embrace. You can come on home. He’s working His way toward you. He wants you home again.

Elijah called his fellow countrymen to take a stand. He knew very well that you are either for or against. You cannot be on both sides. Just like Joshua’s call to his people: “If God be God then serve Him”, Elijah asked for a decision – for or against. He said, “If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” My question to you this day is similar. Whom do you worship? What guides your belief system? Is it the God of Heaven or someone else? Make up your mind.

Like Jesus, the temptations we face are summarized in three categories: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. Which is your stronger category? Where do you fall down the most? It’s time to assess your situation and ask God for strength and the commitment to seek the way of escape. Living with sin is not a dream; neither is it a ‘dry run’. It is reality! Let us look for the escape route and take it.

Our God, who is all-wise, knew before the foundation of the earth that man would fall. He made arrangements for Jesus to trade place with us. Our Father knew that our heredity tendencies would be sinful but we could be nurtured into righteousness. We can be nurtured (through teaching and loving) back to Him. So He sends Jesus to show us how. This is so assuring, it’s not who I am now but who I can become through Christ.

So, why would I want to continue wearing old clothes when new ones have been provided? Cost isn’t a factor. Having someone pick up my tab while I shop for new clothes is such a thrilling thought. I’m ready when you are!! Similarly, it’s the same gift we have been handed by Jesus Christ. We have been given the power to put away our old covering, everything evil, and to wear Christ’s robe of righteousness. Can you imagine dressing in Jesus’ clothes? There will be a definite change. The things I once do, I do them no more. My new clothes now befit the person I’ve become. The change is evident. I am a new creation.

If you are in bad company and desire to break it off, limit your exposure to that company and submit yourself to positive influence of God’s instructions for your life. Seek friends who wants God’s best for your life and who provides positive encouragement on your journey of faith. Remember, we are easily corruptible creatures. With God’s help, do all you can to remain pure.

While God loves us unconditionally, His blessings seems to be on condition of our obedient response to Him. Throughout the Israelites journeys and the condition of their settlement in the promised land, their blessings was dependent on their "contract" with God. Their part in the contract was just to be obedient to God. This seems a very simple request, but many died as a result of disobedient.

The love of God never ceases to amaze me! His love is so stubborn and relentless. His love knows no measure. His love found a way to reconcile mankind to Himself! He turned away His own wrath by sacrificing His own Son, Jesus!! Isn’t that amazing? And what’s even more amazing is that Jesus Himself loves us just as much, and is ready and willing to forgive us of our sins. Jesus did not delegate this responsibility to humans – the responsibility to forgive sins. He is our High Priest. He encouraged us not to sin but just in case we did, He was our advocate with Father God. We are only required to confess our faults to each other!