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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


I need not envy the twelve Disciples who were constantly with Him then. I know that someday soon, in the near future, I will walk and talk with Him in person. I am content to praying to my God that I can only see by faith. I am satisfied to listen to Him through His words, nature and His Holy Spirit. One day soon, this will all change. I will see Him face to face and know even as I am known.

Jesus came to dispel all our darkness. He came to save us from our valley of shadow of death. He brought light to our sin problem and gave us hope of a better life. In whatever season we celebrate, let us remember the reason why He came. More so, let us allow Him to dispel all darkness in our lives and fill us with His light and peace. There’s no need to be afraid of the dark because our Light has come.

There isn't a child of God who does not face challenges, impossible situation from time to time. For some, it is a daily experience - sometimes a continuous challenge. We've prayed, put our faith into action, prayed some more but still nothing happened. We've asked, seek, knock: but still nothing is happening - or so it seems. Like this father, we know Jesus can help, but we sometimes wondered, would He?

Have you gotten your Lamb yet? You need Him because you need the blood! Only the blood of Jesus can cleans from sin. We no longer celebrate the sacrificial systems and the Feast of The Passover Supper because we believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of these Mosaic laws. Jesus’ blood can cleanse you of every stain and defilement of sin. His blood has never and will never lose its power.

The ability to read another’s thoughts is amazing, yet frightening! If you could, you would know everything about other persons. Nothing would surprise you as every thoughts lay naked to your all knowing mind. This is scary! Even though we have the desire to know, with the main aim being to control, it wouldn’t be fun knowing everything.

That’s poor policing! How could they go to make an arrest, and not even know the accused or carry along an artist impression of Him? They might have taken anyone. But that wouldn’t happen. Judas was the reliable eye witness; and he was with the arresting officers to make sure they get the right accused. Still, upon their arrival, it was Jesus who asked them: “Whom are you seeking?” They replied, “Jesus of Nazareth”. Jesus identified himself when He said, “I am He”. Instead of stepping forward and arresting Jesus, they drew back and fell to the ground. It took a repeat of Jesus’ question before they believed and arrested Him.

There are times in life when our problems seemed to crushed us; when all we can do is cry, and cry, and cry some more. Like Mary Magdalene, even though we have often sat at Jesus’ feet, yet in the time of testing we sometimes forget the lessons learnt. We allowed our troubles to cloud out the view of our Master, of our hope and dreams. In the face of our storms, we weep thinking it’s all over, that there’s no way out. Just as how Jesus called out to Mary, so He’s calling out your name. He’s calling your name saying, “Weep no more, I am not dead!”

But what exactly was finished? Do you think it was just the insults, the beatings, the slaps to and spit in His face, the blood draining from His side as death approach, and His life on Earth ended? Yes, those were finished; but there’s more. Jesus came on a mission to reveal His Father to us; to bridge the gap between God and man; to bring an end to the daily sacrifice; and to break the power of sin over our lives! Yes, His mission on Earth was finished! But my mind tells me that His words were also a warning to Satan telling the wicked rascal that he was finished!