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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


Perhaps you have strayed from the security with which you were brought up, and you’ll like to return home. The good Shepherd is searching for you. He is your Shepherd of love. He will not chide you over your waywardness, but instead, with open arms will put His robe on you and give you a welcoming embrace. You can come on home. He’s working His way toward you. He wants you home again.

You can claim God’s forgiveness and rise up and walk. Rise up and walk away from guilt and shame, from the enemy’s constant reminder of what you did. Yes, in faith, reach out to Jesus. Your sins are forgiven. It’s time you get past your past, and rise up and walk. Do not let guilt and shame hold you captive any longer. Close out the critical eyes and lips of the Pharisees and teachers of the law around you and focus only on Jesus’ pardoning grace. Then, in faith, rise up and walk.

Have you ever felt regret for wrongful acts you did; and did you change your mind about repeating those actions? In speaking with some listeners, Jesus advised them that no one was good as all people were sinful. He then informed them that unless they repented, they would all perish. No matter how good we think we are or how others sees us, unless we acknowledge, confess and turn from our evil ways, we will perish. It doesn’t matter what you believe or who you worship. Redemption is impossible without repentance. Without repentance, it is a clear indication there is no desire to change, or to surrender to the God of Heaven.

Revenge and grudges give energy to animosity leading to destruction and this should not be so among God’s children. We need to stop holding grudges and revenge against each other; and treat our each other as we would want to be treated. Moses was right on point when he instructed the Israelites to love their neighbor as themselves. The instruction is ours too. Let’s say no to revenge and grudges and love each other as ourselves.

Like Jesus Christ, we can choose to conquer our enemies by doing good, or we can be conquered by our hate and malice. We can choose to use good deeds as our weapon or we can use the same weapon of revenge that our enemies used. We can choose to heap coals of fire on their heads or we can keep the smile on their faces as they gloat over us. We can choose peace by fanning, and keep fanning the flames of our fire of coals, or we can chose to be miserable and defeated.

It’s no easy feat to forgive someone over and over again, especially for the same wrong. It’s as if they aren’t sincere and has no desire to stop. But God did not mean forgiveness for only the offending party. Forgiveness works equally well for the offended too. Releasing someone from the wrong they did or continue to do to you is freeing your heart to receive God’s abundant grace and peace.

Have you gotten your Lamb yet? You need Him because you need the blood! Only the blood of Jesus can cleans from sin. We no longer celebrate the sacrificial systems and the Feast of The Passover Supper because we believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of these Mosaic laws. Jesus’ blood can cleanse you of every stain and defilement of sin. His blood has never and will never lose its power.

The ability to read another’s thoughts is amazing, yet frightening! If you could, you would know everything about other persons. Nothing would surprise you as every thoughts lay naked to your all knowing mind. This is scary! Even though we have the desire to know, with the main aim being to control, it wouldn’t be fun knowing everything.