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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.

Knowing God

I need not envy the twelve Disciples who were constantly with Him then. I know that someday soon, in the near future, I will walk and talk with Him in person. I am content to praying to my God that I can only see by faith. I am satisfied to listen to Him through His words, nature and His Holy Spirit. One day soon, this will all change. I will see Him face to face and know even as I am known.

But it’s different with God. Whether or not you love God, He loves you and will always love you. He loves you just the way you are. And He is longingly waiting on you to turn to Him for all your love needs. Have you been crushed by an earthly love? He feels your pain and will dry your tears. His arms are open wide to embrace you. You can cry on His shoulders. He will wipe your tears away and get you smiling again. After so many have failed you, why not give Him a chance to love you the way you deserved to be loved? His is a triple L – a long and lasting love.

The Lord declares that He fills Heaven and Earth, and nothing is hidden from Him. All plans we lay in secret are open to His all knowing eyes. We may do so behind closed, sealed and sound proof doors thinking no one will know. But God does see and knows. And He doesn’t keep secret if your plans are for evil. He will reveal them to His prophets and servants.

The storms in my life may not be over physically, but spiritually they are over. With the peaceful assurance that God is by my side, that He is holding my hand, I am comforted that He will see me through my storms. Just like the disciples at sea on a stormy night, the assurance that there’s nothing to fear with God by their side is even mine this morning. I do not need to be afraid of the challenges the day holds. God is with me and He has taken my hand. I will be okay irrespective of whatever may comes my way.

Jesus sought the fruit of the fig tree and found none because it was not yet fig season. He cursed the tree and the next day the tree was dried up from its root. Peter, being surprised at the quick change in the status of the tree, called Jesus’ attention to it. Jesus encouraged Peter to have faith in God. He gave Peter (and His other disciples) a quick lesson on faith.

There isn't a child of God who does not face challenges, impossible situation from time to time. For some, it is a daily experience - sometimes a continuous challenge. We've prayed, put our faith into action, prayed some more but still nothing happened. We've asked, seek, knock: but still nothing is happening - or so it seems. Like this father, we know Jesus can help, but we sometimes wondered, would He?

Knowing Him and the fellowship of His sufferings: like the three Hebrew boys, like Job, like Abraham, we can know that He will deliver, and if He chooses not to deliver, He will be with us in our fiery trials. He will take us through. The fellowship of knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us is so assuring, so we can obey His instructions with a willing heart.

So many parents are now experiencing a similar crucible as I am: back to school expenses and empty pockets. With school fees to be paid, books and uniforms to be purchased, together with other expenses, we can do no other but to call on Jehovah Jireh. Even with classes to begin in a couple days, I must wrestle with God. I know the education of His children is important to Him. And so, I wrestle, I pray, I keep believing. God will come through. He will make a way! You should too. Hold Him to His promises.