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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


So, let’s do an unusual treasure hunt for a change. We will be hunting for souls. The experience is beyond comparison and will ‘blow your mind’. It promises satisfaction you’ve never known. The entire family can participate. How many stars will you place in your crown today? Your own soul should be your first star! Do what you can, and better your best effort. Let’s reach these true treasures for Christ.

Get acquainted with God’s promises today. They are more than money in the bank. He promised that in times of trouble, we should call on Him and He will deliver. You can rest assured that the grass will wither and fade away, but the word of God will stand forever. Just trust the Lord with all your heart and He will direct your path. Commit everything you do to the Lord and He will help you. And just in case you do need help locating His Bible promises, you can go to Guaranteed Bible Promises on Facebook; a compilation of some of God’s tried and proven promises that I have put together.

So, why would I want to continue wearing old clothes when new ones have been provided? Cost isn’t a factor. Having someone pick up my tab while I shop for new clothes is such a thrilling thought. I’m ready when you are!! Similarly, it’s the same gift we have been handed by Jesus Christ. We have been given the power to put away our old covering, everything evil, and to wear Christ’s robe of righteousness. Can you imagine dressing in Jesus’ clothes? There will be a definite change. The things I once do, I do them no more. My new clothes now befit the person I’ve become. The change is evident. I am a new creation.

Serpent wisdom needs to be tempered with dove harmlessness to keep us humble. To be harmless is to lack the power or desire to do harm; to be innocent of evil intention and motive, giving no provocation. Christian Author John McClain is convinced that doves, known as birds of peace, possessed calm temperaments coupled by their sweet disposition. I concur. Unlike serpents, people are normally not afraid of doves. Therefore, it is easier to get near to them when we possess dove traits. While the serpent will avoid and escape danger, the dove is innocent and will walk right into it. Jesus saw the need for us to have both traits, innocent to care and share, yet prudent enough not to be caged and become someone’s next meal.

So what part are you in the body of Christ? Membership is more than your name on a roster. It is actively working together in playing your part. If you are a cell–be a part of something much bigger. If you are a finger–support other fingers to make the writing beautiful. If you are a taste-bud experience amazing flavors while savoring diversity of styles and opinion.

I love a clean space! Be it my house, car, Church, or wherever I may be - I just love when I am in a clean and well kept space. When I cleaned my house from ceiling to floor, it is so much lighter, I think clearer and I sleep better! I love a clean house, not just for Sabbath but for the entire week. Everything must be clean and in order. It makes chores on Preparation Day so much easier. It takes time, energy (a really sacrifice) to keep your space clean. But it pays. And to think Jesus’ expectation of us is similar: for us to keep our bodies ‘clean’ everyday!

So, have you ever made a pledge and dishonor it? God will forgive you. Next time, do not pledge and do not swear. Practice transparency in your life so that others can take you at your word. Then say ‘yes’ or say ‘no’. If people fail to believe you, that’s too bad. Just be certain that between you and God, you spoke the truth. Let your conversation be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Anything else is evil.

Jesus’ instructions to His hearers are very much applicable to us today. Settling matters quickly can be cost effective. We have been taught conflict resolution and mediation skills. If those fail, the next option is the legal system-- which should be treated as a last resort.