By: Juliet Constantine
Do not lay up for yourselves treasurers on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. (Matthew 6:19-20)
Treasure hunting is such a wonderful pastime. No matter the season or the day, it’s enjoyed by all members of the family. Maybe you’ve read stories about buried treasures. But you don’t need to dig up the earth to find real treasures.
A true story is told about a mother and her wayward son. He didn’t love Jesus and just wouldn’t obey. So, this dear mother thought of a wise way to win him for Jesus Christ. She would play treasure hunting with him. What she did was sheer genius! Her remarkable story is told the world over in a small book titled, “The Marked Bible”. Though it took him many years, Harold finally found the real treasure his mom gave him.
When Jesus was here, He taught people not to lay up treasures on earth. What did He really meant? Didn’t He want ambitious and progressive believers and followers? He certainly did! People were accustomed to storing things, especially the excess of produce when they had a bountiful yield. Jesus knew that once riches increase, our tendency is to set our hearts on it. He knew that our hearts would be where our treasure was. Hence, his wise instruction - be careful about accumulating wealth.
Instead of acquiring earthly possessions in excess, we are to seek to acquire heavenly treasures which are more valuable and more lasting. But you may ask - how can I acquire heavenly treasures here on earth? We can by giving our life to Him and using our resources to win souls for Heaven. Moth and rust will not corrupt. These souls will be represented in our crowns as stars.
So, let’s do an unusual treasure hunt for a change. We will be hunting for souls. The experience is beyond comparison and will ‘blow your mind’. It promises satisfaction you’ve never known. The entire family can participate. How many stars will you place in your crown today? Your own soul should be your first star! Do what you can, and better your best effort. Let’s reach these true treasures for Christ.
Dear Father, I am with You on this fulfilling hunt for real treasures – your children. Please enable me I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – At His Feet” Daily Devotional)