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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


Jesus asked Him and He confirmed that He will keep you from falling. The prayers of our loved ones really do help; but with Jesus’ prayer for us, none can compare. We are guaranteed divine help because Jesus prayed. I am so happy He prayed for me and you. Let’s show Him that we are willing to be kept.

Like Jesus Christ, we can choose to conquer our enemies by doing good, or we can be conquered by our hate and malice. We can choose to use good deeds as our weapon or we can use the same weapon of revenge that our enemies used. We can choose to heap coals of fire on their heads or we can keep the smile on their faces as they gloat over us. We can choose peace by fanning, and keep fanning the flames of our fire of coals, or we can chose to be miserable and defeated.

It’s no easy feat to forgive someone over and over again, especially for the same wrong. It’s as if they aren’t sincere and has no desire to stop. But God did not mean forgiveness for only the offending party. Forgiveness works equally well for the offended too. Releasing someone from the wrong they did or continue to do to you is freeing your heart to receive God’s abundant grace and peace.

There is an abiding peace when you obey out of love. Love God supremely and allow Him to love others through. Love others not because they are good but because they are God's child.

Have you gotten your Lamb yet? You need Him because you need the blood! Only the blood of Jesus can cleans from sin. We no longer celebrate the sacrificial systems and the Feast of The Passover Supper because we believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of these Mosaic laws. Jesus’ blood can cleanse you of every stain and defilement of sin. His blood has never and will never lose its power.

The love of God never ceases to amaze me! His love is so stubborn and relentless. His love knows no measure. His love found a way to reconcile mankind to Himself! He turned away His own wrath by sacrificing His own Son, Jesus!! Isn’t that amazing? And what’s even more amazing is that Jesus Himself loves us just as much, and is ready and willing to forgive us of our sins. Jesus did not delegate this responsibility to humans – the responsibility to forgive sins. He is our High Priest. He encouraged us not to sin but just in case we did, He was our advocate with Father God. We are only required to confess our faults to each other!

God loved us when we were alienated from Him. He loved us when we were good, when we do the things we should. He loved us when we were bad, even though it makes Him sad. God loves us unconditionally. He knew us, yet He loved us! No one is always good, yet that does not change the way He feels about us. He does not employ the ‘an eye for an eye’ method of exerting revenge. No, He does not revenge, but in loving kindness He draws us to Himself. He loves unconditionally. We are called to emulate Him even in knowing, yet loving.

He had been so steeped in sin; well, that’s what he thought of himself and his friends concur. He could never change. The worldly lifestyle was his thrill and giving it up was unimaginable. The girls, the drinks, parties and more; that was his life. After all, he was young and it was his life to live. But God had other plans! God choose a new direction for his life-a direction that led to a total change of both the inner and outer man.