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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


Most importantly, we should commit our ways to God and allow Him to lead and direct our lives. For all encounters, pleasant and unpleasant ones, let’s ask ourselves the question: What would Jesus do? How would He handle the matter? We can be assured that we will receive an immediate answer. Listen for the response because His promise is certain:

Like the process of physical immunization, in the spiritual realm, we needed an immunogen. God in His wisdom knew that the only way we would survive is to have this needed vaccination. He sent Jesus to be our immunogen. Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God. Praise the Lord! The immunization process is complete. But God did even more.

Jesus’ response to the hurt, anger, resentment, and revenge in their faces and hearts toward their oppressors wasn’t a popular or welcomed one. It made Jesus sad to tell them something different than what they wanted to hear. What they heard was: “Do not resist. Go the extra mile. Go over and beyond the call of duty. Be agreeable. Respect authority.” Jesus only reiterated what they already knew, but the anger in their hearts tricked them into believing that they wanted otherwise.

It wasn’t God’s will to cause the older generation to perish in the wilderness. It was their rebellion. Their unwillingness to follow the straight “thus saith the Lord” prevented their entry. They preferred to set up their own rules and do their own thing. They rebelled against God’s chosen who always stood in the gap for them. With all the miracles God did and all the provisions He gave them, still they were unsatisfied and doubtful of His protection. Their rebellion prevented them from entering the Promised Land.

Jesus’ instructions to His hearers are very much applicable to us today. Settling matters quickly can be cost effective. We have been taught conflict resolution and mediation skills. If those fail, the next option is the legal system-- which should be treated as a last resort.

Even though you may not be the offender, you should take steps to make it right. Leave your gift of prayer, thanksgiving, tithes and offerings and go make it right. Confess your faults and ask to be forgiven.

Violence is never welcome. Avenging one’s self is not the answer. We are to strive for a peaceful resolution to whatever conflict is faced. Living with anger, hurt and resentment will make us unlovable individuals. The “eye for eye” civil statute will leave many blind, without a body part, or dead; but, in the better way to live, forgiveness is king. Joseph practiced it when he forgave his brothers for kidnapping and selling him into slavery.

When you repay insult with a blessing, you are gaining the victory: over the devil – he cannot gain a foothold in your life; over your enemy – your life will be a testimony and God will work on them to bring about a change; and over yourself – you will be strengthened to face the next challenge. Let’s be children of light and rejoice when persecution comes.