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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


I have been told that the dying, especially those who were injured by gunshot, always ask for water when death was drawing near. It would seem that this thirst was a natural occurrence before death comes and the water was needed to wet the tongue which clings to the jaws. Whatever is the cause for this thirst before death, it can also be viewed in a spiritual sense.

The trials and testing of God’s children can be termed as gold tried in the fire. Persecution and trials are prerequisites on our journey to the Kingdom. We cannot get around it; we cannot pass over or under it. We must face it. Trials are not negative. They are means of drawing us closer to the King and His Kingdom. They serve to deepen our dependence, faith and trust in God as we rely on Him for everything. They serve to strip away the unpleasant and unnecessary baggage that would only hinder us on our journey. Trials are positive markers that He’s still working on us, to make us what we ought to be!

Was Peter wrong in not wanting Jesus to do the servant’s job? It was a natural reaction. John the Baptist had similar reaction when Jesus came to him to be baptized. John forbade Him as he felt he needed to be baptized by Jesus, not the other way around. But Jesus’ gentle words reminded him that history was in the making, as all righteousness would be fulfilled. Jesus knew, though He had no sin, that His baptism was an essential act in the plan of salvation. At His words, John gladly baptized his Master.

So, what’s your testimony, what has God done for you lately? Who will be the first? Did God provide food in your hour of need? Did He provide a way of escape when you were tempted? Were you vindicated after being accused of something you weren’t guilty? Did God set you free from smoking, from drinking, from gambling, from being a womanizer? And the list goes on. There’s no need to feel ashamed. In stead, you should be thankful and joyful in telling your story of how God ransomed and set you free.

Has the soul-eating disease of sin taken over your life? Like Aimee Copeland, you can get back on your feet again. It’s not so hard letting go! Just look to Jesus Christ. It’s better to be handicapped for the Kingdom while here, than to loose out altogether. Truly, it will be worth it, after all!

Jesus taught that it’s a blessing to have pure hearts. Those with pure hearts will see God. Realizing these truths, we must do all, with God’s help, to have a pure heart. We must guard carefully the avenues of our soul – especially our eyes and ears – so as not to feed our hearts with evil thoughts and company. Only allow in what is good and noble and just. And yes, ask God’s help to keep your heart pure. Let us be pure, because others care.

We all make mistakes in our lives! Mistakes that we wish we could just punch the undo button and erase. It may seem difficult for us, but it is possible with Jesus Christ. Do you want a new start? Jesus can give you a new start. Yes He can. Just ask Him! Ask Him to forgive your mistakes and to give you a new start. It is possible. You can do it.