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By: Juliet Constantine

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place." (2 Corinthians 2:14)

My Mom is hypertensive and she just loves using her “bush medicine” in conjunction with prescribed medication. One of her favorite bush medicine is Garlic, which is very good for high blood pressure. The only problem is that it smells as you perspire! On day, Mom took a ‘robot’ taxi and immediately a young man asked, “Lady, a garlic perfume you wearing?” We often get a good laugh from this question every time it is rehearsed.

It is quite the contrast to someone wearing a sweet-smelling per fume. Yes, you will get the usual question, ‘what is the name of your perfume’ but you will also get the compliments, ‘I love your perfume’. Persons ask because they want to know-maybe even to purchase a bottle. With garlic perfume (and yes, there are garlic perfume on the market) people scatter from you. But quite the contrary, with a sweet-smelling perfume, people will draw near to you.

The Bible is filled with experiences of persons that could easily be grouped into either garlic perfume or a sweet-smelling perfume. Can you think of some examples? All life experiences do leave a lesson about Christ, good or bad. What lesson was taught from Job’s experience? What about Judas? Can you recall a time in your life when your victory in your testing turns out to be a testimony for Christ?

Isaiah 43:10 reminds us that we are witnesses for Christ. Whatever testing or experience you are called to face, it is for a reason-to teach others about Christ. If victorious, your testimony will serve as a motivator for others. God will lead you to be victorious in Christ so that your life can be a sweet-smelling perfume by the stories it tell. Only total dependence on God will help you to triumph. Like Job, you can choose to believe that your Redeemer will stand for you; or like Judas, you can cash in now.

When we live for Christ, people will come to learn of Him and about Him. It is then that He will be able to draw others to Himself. So, lift up Christ in your testing. Without a test, you will not have a testimony. With Christ, leave a sweet-smelling perfume, the fragrance of which will serve as a guide for others to follow.

Thank you Father in Heaven for the victory we have in Christ. Thank you for allowing us to be co-laborers with you; as You use our lives to spread Your love to others. Please help us to be patient in our testing and may we rely fully upon You until our breakthrough comes. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)