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By: Juliet Constantine

"I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness." (John 12:46 NKJV)

Have you ever experienced a misconstrued interpretation of your true motives? With all your sincere and genuine intentions, people still choose to believe different and hold you in suspicion. Well, you’re not alone. People with much to lose will always view you suspiciously and ‘knock down’ your suggestions and improvements toward something. The Bible is so true: Jesus really did experience all things that we humans do.

There was a time when Earth was filled with just darkness. The Word, in the presence of the Father and the Holy Spirit, spoke physical light into being. “Let there be light,” He said, and indeed there was light. Many centuries later, that same Word became flesh and we called His name Jesus. He returned to give light. That’s why so many lights are hung on trees and houses at Christmas time. We assume they signify the Light of the world that has come. Jesus came to give spiritual light to His beloved humans. Not long after creation, similarly to how Earth was filled with darkness, gross spiritual darkness covered the Earth. And as only Jesus can, He came as the Light to once again lighten our world. But this time, only some choose to be lights. Only those who believed were lightened; they all, in their own way, shouted: “Shine Jesus shine!”

The progression was slow, but soon others believed... and still others. Not even the Dark Ages could tolerate God’s light. Light is progressive energy; better than any batteries. It keeps on illuminating and dispelling darkness. The planet became ablaze with His glory, and darkness from the four corners of Earth began subsiding. Today, the entire planet is almost lighted with His glory. Jesus is shining for all to see. Yet, there are still pockets of darkness which still linger.

These pockets of darkness are seen in our beliefs which drive our practices, even though we should be surrounded by light. Whenever we allow tradition to supersede God’s words, we are choosing darkness rather than light. Whenever we embrace evil practices just because we want men’s praise and vote, we have rejected God’s applause. When we hypocritically refuse to let God’s light shine at our jobs, it may cease shining in our homes. History has shown us that no one who fights against God’s light prospers. They are bound to stumble because they are walking in darkness. It’s always best to allow Jesus to shine.

It is so much easier when His earth is filled with His glory. Our paths would be clear as day and all attempts to deceive would be plain as the noon day. We can all make a difference in lighting our world for Christ. Jesus can shine through you and me. He started with one, and He kept adding. Why not ask Him to add you as you seek to light your world for Him? The darkness must recede. Why not choose to stand and remain in the light from now on? Whatever is happening in your life, just ask Jesus to shine and fill you with His glory. He will dispel the darkness and you will be surrounded by light.

Holy Father, shine on me. Fill me, my life, with Your glory. May I always seek Your applause and not men’s praise. This is my prayer, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)