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By: Juliet Constantine

Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:58 NKJV)


Some persons believe that age is just a number. Others believe that it is much more than a single, double or triple digit numeral. To age is added experience. As age varies, so is the degree of experience. Irrespective of the foolish actions of some older persons, it is still generally true that the older you get, the wiser you should become. And the ancient landmarks of decency and discipline are still relevant. 

Jesus was in the temple, speaking with a group of Jews who dishonored Him by what they said about Him. They said that He was a demon possessed Samaritan. They didn’t understand His teaching about obedience freeing them from death. Though some of them were old enough to see the truth in His words, they all ridiculed Him. And to make matters worse, Jesus told them that He was older than Abraham, their precious ancestor. Now they truly believed that this demon possessed man had committed the unpardonable sin of blasphemy, and stoning to death was the ultimate punishment. 

But they were wrong, as so many are today. A great number of young and older persons do not believe in strict obedience to God’s words. They believed that time has changed and they must live a little. Like Eve, many seem to view God’s “thou shalt not” as a mystery to be explored and experienced. After all, God does forgive, doesn’t He? But what so many, like the Jews of old, fail to realize is that though God’s instructions were given long ago, they are all still relevant – even in the 21st century and beyond. 

A word to the wise is sufficient. As young people, when we choose to obey God’s words as given, you are much wiser than the older folks who choose to ignore them and are punished. We can enjoy life without all the pain and sorrows it brings. We can pass through this world unscathed and saved from all the pitfalls that exists. We only need to listen and follow wisdom. 

Let’s not be like the Jews of old, thinking that our elders are old fashioned and out of sync with the times. It may truly seem that way, but there is wisdom in the aged and there is certainly wisdom in God’s words. Though ancient, they are still relevant. 

Dear Father, though Your words were spoken many centuries before my time, we are so happy that they are still applicable to our lives today. Thank You for Your words to guide us in the path we ought to take. May we accept Your guidance even from older folks, and especially those who love and follow You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – At His Feet” Daily Devotional)