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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.

You too may be facing your storms. You are not alone. Remember someone is praying for you. Help is already on the way. So, hold on! Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Just as God sent help for His Son in the hour of need, your help is coming. Take courage. You are not alone.

You have a winning smile”, I used to be told. Once upon a time, I would smile and the world would smile back at me. Back then when I smiled, my eyes twinkled. My smile was genuine because I was happy. With no cares of life and in-spite-of my impoverished life, I was happy. My twinkled eyes happy smiles had stopped, not because I became over anxious with the cares of life, but because a friend told me that I was sending the wrong signal. I was younger then and didn’t know better, so I stopped smiling. As I grew older, I allowed other things to hide my smile.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Why were you afraid?” And to us His question is the same. When we take our eyes off Jesus and put in on the problems around us, we will loose our peace and our souls! The devil knows that if he can get us distracted from our real mission, even when we become over zealous about good things, he was in the winning seat. Let us put away all distractions that rob our time with God, that take our peace.

I know we all have our challenges, we all have our burdens. Notice I said burdens and not problems. But, whatever our burdens are – whether it be financial burdens, relationship burdens, family burdens, health burdens, job burdens, your seemingly inability to cope under all these burdens, the promise to you and me today is to cast our burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain us. Let us allow Him to carry them for us. He is much stronger than us anyway. He can deal with it. He will work it out. He will sustain us. He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Doubt - it has been his strategy from day one, one which proves successful time and again. One third of the angels in Heaven were deceived because they doubted. Eve was deceived because she doubted. In fact, if you should go through Bible Characters you will find that most of them were deceived because they doubted. They doubted God; the instructions He gave; the guidance He provides; that God can and that He will.

Jesus sought the fruit of the fig tree and found none because it was not yet fig season. He cursed the tree and the next day the tree was dried up from its root. Peter, being surprised at the quick change in the status of the tree, called Jesus’ attention to it. Jesus encouraged Peter to have faith in God. He gave Peter (and His other disciples) a quick lesson on faith.

You can be the success God wants you to be. Your can be happy! Just follow the blueprint God gave you. In every facet of your life, acknowledge Him and allow Him to lead and direct your path. He promised that if you listen, you will hear His voice telling you the correct choice to make. Will you listen?

Like many others, King Saul’s story could have ended differently. Their legacy of obedience could have lived on down through generations. Instead, they made themselves into clowns. Do not make the same mistake King Saul, and others, have made. Do not be a clown. The wisest man found out late (better to be late than never) that it is better to fear God and give Him glory because everything would be revealed in the judgment. All cases are being decided now. What will the judgment reveal about your life and mine?

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