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By: Juliet Constantine

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)

She did not have much of life’s goods. Her only means of transportation – then – was to walk miles upon miles, even with her goods on her head. She really did not mind as she had become accustomed to doing so; but sometimes, she could use a ride as her knees were painfully tired and her journey takes a longer time to complete. One day, she as she walked the dusty, stony terrain with her load on her head, a neighbor offered her a ride in his vehicle, which she gladly accepted. To the neighbor’s astonishment, his passenger still carried the load on her head!

We are reminded by David to cast our burden on the Lord and He shall sustain us. So often we prayed about a matter, seeking God’s help, but in reality, our actions indicate that we only need His guidance – we only need Him to show us what to do and we will do it ourselves. We refuse to release our burdens to His care and control. The help we thought we needed, in reality is only guidance!

Yes, we are reminded that He will never suffer the righteous to be moved. Knowledge of His words isn’t our problem – we know it. We have a fair understanding of what God has done so we are assured of what He can do. We know how He kept His people – we can relate all the stories. Though obedient children (or so it seems), we resist being totally surrendered to God. We know but we do not fully believe that our God who feeds the birds, who wake us up this morning, who is maintaining our universe can and will sustain us. So, we pray, we believe, we even pray His promises –like this one – challenging Him to respond; but we rise from our knees with our burdens on our backs. We fail to leave it there! Sometimes, we give it to Him only to take it back if His answer/solution seems long in coming. We sometimes did not give Him a fair chance to respond. Like Abraham and Sarah, they couldn’t wait on the promised son, so they find an alternate way. Look what trouble resulted!

I know we all have our challenges, we all have our burdens. Notice I said burdens and not problems. But, whatever our burdens are – whether it be financial burdens, relationship burdens, family burdens, health burdens, job burdens, your seemingly inability to cope under all these burdens, the promise to you and me today is to cast our burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain us. Let us allow Him to carry them for us. He is much stronger than us anyway. He can deal with it. He will work it out. He will sustain us. He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.

So the next time you pray about a burden (and they are burden if they cause you worry or concern) give it to Him and leave it there!!

So Father, you asked our burdens – well, here they are. Our financial, relationship, job, family, health burdens, and everything that perplexed our minds and cause us to worry, we give them all to you now. Take them Father, and we claim your promise of sustenance and immovability of your children. Keep us faithful always, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)