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BY: Juliet Constantine 

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  (Matthew 5:3)

In Jesus’ day religious leaders saw themselves as owners of God’s oracles. They believed they were God’s representatives on Earth and the channel through which God reveals His will. They prided themselves in their knowledge and interpretation of the Scriptures. In upholding the letter of the law they elevated themselves above others. So sure were they about their own interpretation that the intention of God’s will was missed. Instead, the scriptures were lauded over the people who saw them as oppressive instead of relieving as was intended. Yes, the Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and the High Priests all thought themselves wealthy in their knowledge and interpretation of scriptures. They thought themselves in need of nothing.

But Jesus came and He radically pulled aside the curtain showing the beauty of the Scriptures. He challenged the interpretation and teaching of those learned religious leaders, exposing their error. Jesus showed the beauty of God’s word and He clearly taught and demonstrated that God’s word was not oppressive. He gave hope to thousands who thought they could not measure up to the high standard of a strict God. He rivaled the religious leaders of His day when He taught the people differently.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit” Jesus taught from the Mount of Olives. You are considered “poor in spirit” when you recognize your need of a savior. To those who realized that they cannot be saved by their own works, in keeping the letter of the law, but by their faith in God’s grace (which encourages a relationship with Him and doing His will), Jesus said that you are blessed because you are “poor in spirit”. You are wealthy for the kingdom of heaven is yours.

According to, “to be ‘poor in spirit’ is a reference to the heart recognizing its poverty and revealing the need for salvation and the things of God. It isn’t a vow of literal poverty. Blessed are the ‘poor in spirit’ as those who realize their spiritual inadequacy and unfitness for Heaven for this will lead them to seek the mercy of God, fuel their desire for salvation and discovery of Jesus. This has nothing to do with money.” How about you? Are you “poor in spirit”? Do you feel the need of a savior? Are you so focused on the letter of the law that you missed the spirit in which it was given? Have you become so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good, as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day? Why not spend some quality time, alone with God at His feet, and learn of Him.

You may or may not have much. But with Jesus showing you the way, you have more than enough to make you happy. You will have everything. You will be blessed!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for showing us the right way. Thank you for the reminder that it’s not about being physically poor, but it’s being spiritually rich in the knowledge, interpretation, and demonstration of Your will. Keep us close to You we pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)