By: Juliet Constantine
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; (Luke18:1)
Sometimes in our lives when problems seem insurmountable our faith at times waivers. Some may even lose faith. Our grip on faith loosens as discouragement sweep over our souls. It’s in times like these that we pray even less than we did before.
I questioned myself recently on this same matter, as my sea of problems sweep over my soul. Why can’t I pray? Why won’t I pray? I do believe in God and His words. I believe in prayer. However in times of distress, when my back is against the wall and there’s just no way to turn, I cry to God but He just doesn’t seem to think my need is urgent enough needing His immediate breakthrough. In times like these, sometimes I allow discouragement to enter my heart and I find it so difficult to pray. My heart became weary from being anxious and instead of turning to God sometimes I can only reach out to others to pray for me. Yes, I am totally human and faced with similar struggles like you all.
Why am I anxious when Jesus told me not to be? That day, after some wasted hours slipped by, I went back to God. I have no other help to which to turn. I need His answer and I needed it right away. It was then that He spoke to my heart, “… men ought always to pray, and not to faint”. (Luke 18:1) I now understand. At times when I need to pray even more, that’s when I became discouraged and ceased to pray. I whispered a prayer for forgiveness as He continued speaking to my heart through the parable that followed.
Just as how the unjust judge avenged this woman because he didn’t want her to weary him anymore; even so and more, will God answer and avenge us. We just need to keep on praying, never lose hope. Jesus promised that God shall speedily “avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto Him”.
As if in chorus, many persons in the Bible who learnt to pray, encourages us to hold on and keep on praying. Isaiah said we are to hope in the Lord because He will renew our strength and cause us to mount up as eagles. David from experience knows that God will hear and answer the prayer of the destitute. Jeremiah reminded me that God has good plans for me, to prosper me. I just need to seek Him with my whole heart. Paul chipped in his comfort, assuring me to be patient in tribulation and to continue in prayer. And as if refreshing my memory of the secret to answered prayer, Jesus’ parable about the importune guest, where the friend when to his neighbor to borrow bread sealed It for me.
In all these assurances, I am comforted and strengthened to keep on praying. Just as Moses cried to God when faced with the red sea and Pharaoh’s army behind, I too must cry to God for deliverance from my red sea experiences. You can too. Do not give up on life, and don’t you give up on God. Keep on praying. Keep on believing and hoping that God will make a way when there seems to be no way. His answer may seem slow in coming, but it’s coming nonetheless. Jesus promised that Our Father will answer His elect speedily.
“Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrows, but if we are wise, we know there’s always tomorrow.” Call out to God, and keep on calling. He will answer and He will do so speedily.
Our Father in Heaven, thank You for Your words of comfort which gives us hope. We now know that it’s the enemy’s plans to keep us from You. We will not give him the victory Father. We will constantly call on You to deliver us from our crucibles. Keep us faithful in our prayer life we pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)