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By: Juliet Constantine

And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17 NKJV)

“Hi, my name is Juliet Constantine. What’s yours?”

In our interaction of meeting and greeting, people normally introduce themselves with their names first. As interaction continues and comfort levels grow, more and more detail is shared. Thus, persons who were once mere acquaintance have formed lasting friendships. This wouldn’t have been possible if the “ice” wasn’t broken with a ‘hello’ and establishing one’s identity.

Jesus, early in His ministry, told everyone who He was and what His mission was. I have no doubt that while separated from His parents at an early age, and was found with the learned teachers of scripture, had declared who He was. Why am I so certain? His response to His mother’s question (“Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” Luke 2:49) is a clear indication that He seized every opportunity to tell or remind others of His identity and mission.

In many instances He referred to himself as the ‘Son of Man’ and in other instances the ‘Son of God’. And should anyone have any doubt about Jesus’ identity; immediately after His baptism, His Father made it plain when He said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” And if that wasn’t sufficient, there were many miracles which Jesus did, that should have removed all doubt about His true identity. Jesus himself, after reading in the Synagogue, declared that the scripture was fulfilled that day in the hearing of all present (Luke 4:16-21).

How about you and me? We introduce ourselves with our names and sometimes occupational titles, and that’s okay. But what about your professed identity? Are you worried what persons might think? Accolades are okay; that’s your hard work. But being labeled a child of the King, a Christian, a candidate of Heaven carries more weight.

From the outset, declare your hand. Do not hide behind political rightness. Let others know who you truly are and then, allow your actions to show them more. You are a child of the King, and that’s something to brag about.

So, let’s try the introductions again. “Hi, my name is Juliet Constantine. I am a Christian, a child of the King.” Now it’s your turn. Go ahead. I am listening. That wasn’t too difficult! Now, keep on telling and living for Jesus. Do not be ashamed to establish your identity. If you are ashamed to own Him, He will be ashamed to own you before our Father in Heaven.

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so glad I am a part of Your family. Please help me to live up to my renewed identity in not just telling but also doing for all to see that I am Yours. Please help others to accept and embrace their identity in You too. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name, amen.

Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – At His Feet” Daily Devotional)