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By: Juliet Constantine

Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the LORD; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:24 NKJV)

Have you been startled by any news you heard lately? There are many we could list. These are daily occurrences and because they happen so frequently, they just elicit a shrug of the shoulders. No big deal, right?

But there are still some news items that seem to stain our memory. Honor killings in the Middle East, the sprinting speed of the advancement of gay rights, the move to force employers to distribute birth control to employees, the SWAP of Bibles for murders in schools, and the list goes on. It never seems to end.

Many of these activities were conceived in secret at the initial stage. Secret plans and actions formulated to derail and control. It’s happening every day in every country; and being released in stages. Many are surprised when they see the true picture of what they voted for, something totally different from the original intent. Why is this so? Because the devil is the engineer!

The Lord declares that He fills Heaven and Earth, and nothing is hidden from Him. All plans we lay in secret are open to His all knowing eyes. We may do so behind closed, sealed and sound proof doors thinking no one will know. But God does see and knows. And He doesn’t keep secret if your plans are for evil. He will reveal them to His prophets and servants.

What plans are you secretly scheming to implement? The Lord is observing. What are your secret actions – are they for evil or good? The Lord knows and He will reveal them. Just remember – God is watching you!

Oh my Father, thank You for Your constant watch care over Your children. Thank You for ruling in the affairs of men. We know that things will happen only if You allow them. Help us not to be fainthearted but to trust that You will intervene in Your own time, because You see and knows everything. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)