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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.

Jesus’ preferred method of teaching His listeners is through parables with the sole intention to help them understand. It would seem that most of Jesus’ listeners were farmers, or that His work was centered in a society whose economy was heavily dependent on farming. So He used the lingo of the day that all could understand. In speaking of His death, He said that He would be glorified. Now this was a puzzle to His listeners because we all know that when someone receives glory, it’s a celebratory time of showing honor and respect.

Recently, while travelling on a familiar road, I decided to use a side road with less traffic. To my astonishment, I took the wrong turn. While the area was somewhat familiar, inner roads can be very tricky. Sometimes they appear to be a maze. For awhile I feared that I was lost. I did not know which way to take to get back to my intended route. I whispered a prayer for guidance and protection. While leading me out and back to safety, God spoke a lesson to my heart that I will always remember. He said, though you may be lost, you can control the exit.

After He departed Earth, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit who speaks to us in softer tones. Amid the hustling and bustling of life, He still speaks. If you listen closely, you will hear Him say, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” As you train your ear to listen and your heart to obey, the voice of God will become clearer to you. His will for your life will be revealed; and when in obedience you follow His guidance, you will come to trust His leading.

am reminded of other instances when persons from foreign lands came to God’s people desiring to learn more about Him but were deprived. King Hezekiah had visitors from Babylon. Instead of showing them the God of Heaven, who delivered him from his enemies, he showed them the riches of Israel. Perhaps in a bragging attitude, he showed them everything in his house. He got the opportunity to introduce God to these people; but instead, he showed them material wealth.

Like the great multitude of old, we can rejoice that our promised King came. He lived and died; but that’s just the beginning. The grave couldn’t hold Him. He will come again: and this time, we will never part! Are you ready for His return? Do not let the event pass you by. Contrary to popular belief, you will not have a second chance if you are left behind. The King is here. He’s even at the door.

No matter what your situation may be, our Jesus who resurrected Lazarus, will bring resurrection power to any problem in our life. We can take back our life from the enemy and share our testimonies wherever we go. Jesus will give you the strength to be His true witness. Whatever you’re going through, you are His witness. Lessons learned are not to be kept – they are to be shared. Witnessing will open the way for others to come see Jesus. You are a witness of His goodness. Be a faithful witness.

He wanted them to love him, to be identified with them. Instead, he felt like an outsider as his brothers’ hatred and anger kindled against him. The pent up anger and hatred culminated in an event which will forever be retold as long as life lasts. He cried as the carriage took him farther and farther away from his homeland, away from his brothers and yes, away from his father who loved him. “How could God allow this to happen?” he must have thought, “I did nothing wrong.”

It’s seems like we are created to confront, complain, and murmur. Instead of praising Him in the good times and the bad, we praise only in good times and complain in the bad times. We play when things are good and pray when times are hard. We limit ourselves by looking only ‘as far as the eye can see’. If we allow ourselves to see farther, I know our responses would’ve been different. Short sighted vision will rob us of continual praise, and constant shouts of Hosanna.

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