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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.

Not only did they choose death, but their decision robbed them of their power of choice. But God stepped in and provided a way out that gave them an option to choose again – to choose life. Through the ages, every human is making a decision, moment by moment, to accept God’s contingency or to forever remain with the choice of eternal death.

So, what’s your testimony, what has God done for you lately? Who will be the first? Did God provide food in your hour of need? Did He provide a way of escape when you were tempted? Were you vindicated after being accused of something you weren’t guilty? Did God set you free from smoking, from drinking, from gambling, from being a womanizer? And the list goes on. There’s no need to feel ashamed. In stead, you should be thankful and joyful in telling your story of how God ransomed and set you free.

The Bible is filled with stories of persons who dared to take the first step in believing. Hebrews Chapter 11 recorded some great acts of ordinary persons who choose to believe and the rest is history. People like Rahab perished not because she believed-a belief that led her to be named in the lineage of Jesus. We can through Christ. Nothing of lasting value comes easy. It takes sacrifice, strong determination and diligent pursuit to make it happen.

If you know you only had two days to live, what would be your final preparation? Would you be preoccupied with your impending demise or would the time be spent reinforcing some critical principle in your child/ward? Would you be busy putting your affairs in order or would you find the time to help somebody? Death is the only thing that’s certain in this life. The Bible teaches that the living know that they will die. Yet, not many made preparation for death.

Yes, I believe supper time is a welcomed activity in most cultures; and it seemed to be so in Jesus’. He often enjoyed supper with His disciples. In fact, He was the server - He handed the food to His disciples. Such was the case when He sat with them for what turned out to be the last Passover Supper. His disciples didn’t know it; they were too self-centered to realize that deep meaning of His words. So much was happening with them all; but history only records what was happening in Judas’ thoughts as it served as the base for all that later transpired.

The Code justified my actions, instead of condemning me. The incident happened more than a decade ago but it still serves as reference point for many things. I was a young driver who had received strict advice from a friend that I should thoroughly know the Jamaican Road Code and drive by it. I took his advice literally and was very proud in holding my own on the streets. One day the police, with flashing lights tried to pull me over in a very deep corner.

Like the Jewish nation of old, God has sent many evidences for you to believe in Him. If you reject the Bible, there is nature which speaks so loudly of the One, bigger than you and me, who holds this world in space. No scientist can explain God’s complex creation and maintenance system. The Darwin theory is just that – a theory... that has been pulled apart and found wanting. But God’s creation still stands a mystery to the most brilliant minds.

Have you ever experienced a misconstrued interpretation of your true motives? With all your sincere and genuine intentions, people still choose to believe different and hold you in suspicion. Well, you’re not alone. People with much to lose will always view you suspiciously and ‘knock down’ your suggestions and improvements toward something. The Bible is so true: Jesus really did experience all things that we humans do.

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