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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


As I reflected on this story and the setting, I found myself thinking about supper time in Heaven. I seemed to be thinking about Heaven more and more these days and my constant prayer is to be ready to go. I am not afraid to die. I just want to be ready to meet my Savior in peace. And so, I gladly answer His call to come home. Supper time with Jesus in Heaven is almost here. It’s suspended in space between two verses in Revelation. But any day now, supper will be served.

The first book of Samuel, the twenty-fifth chapter, recorded the death of Samuel the Lord’s prophet. People loved and admired him; now that he was dead, they all felt hopeless since King Saul, their other leader, was considered to be a mad man. Why? He was obsessed with killing the only person who gave him the victory over the Philistines. He spent many days chasing after David, his designated successor, because he wanted him dead.

Many, whom others thought would not make it, will be saved. They would have sincerely prayed the Publican’s prayer, believed like the Centurion, and reached out to Jesus like the thief on the cross. They touched the hem of His garment and were made whole. They accepted the wedding garment of Jesus’ righteousness so their sins were all covered. Yes, though stained by the blight of sin, they made sure that a corresponding credit of pardon was written beside their deeds. They humbled themselves and allowed Jesus to work His transforming power in their lives.

Are you spouse hunting? Blood washed, born again Christian men and women seem to be in short supply. But you do not need to settle for less than the best: for less than God’s standard. Close enough to perfect is shortchanging yourself and robbing yourself of the possibilities that could’ve been. Why not allow God to be and make your perfect choice! Do not settle. Close enough is not ideal.

We all have our pressure points – that point when we think we can take no more. That moment when we are ready to quit, and when we believe it’s not worth it! Don’t give in. Don’t give up. With God’s help, we can make it. We can stand tall. We can be guided by the Holy Spirit and speak freely from our conscience. Our guarantee is the Word of God. Whatever circumstances you may be facing now, hold on. God will work it out somehow. And even if He chooses not to, still hold onto Him. He sees the way you take; and if He brings you to it, He will see you through it. Do not cave under pressure. Just hold on.

The Centurion totally surrendered all control and authority when he bid Jesus “speak the word” so that his servant could receive healing. There are many more such examples. But for me, the one that stands out more is Hosea: despite his Christian morals and beliefs, and against his better hope and aspirations, he chose to follow God and marry a woman who would bring him untold grief.

Jesus’ response to the hurt, anger, resentment, and revenge in their faces and hearts toward their oppressors wasn’t a popular or welcomed one. It made Jesus sad to tell them something different than what they wanted to hear. What they heard was: “Do not resist. Go the extra mile. Go over and beyond the call of duty. Be agreeable. Respect authority.” Jesus only reiterated what they already knew, but the anger in their hearts tricked them into believing that they wanted otherwise.

Jesus taught that it’s a blessing to have pure hearts. Those with pure hearts will see God. Realizing these truths, we must do all, with God’s help, to have a pure heart. We must guard carefully the avenues of our soul – especially our eyes and ears – so as not to feed our hearts with evil thoughts and company. Only allow in what is good and noble and just. And yes, ask God’s help to keep your heart pure. Let us be pure, because others care.