By: Juliet Constantine
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Galatians 5:1)
Liberty or bondage - if you were asked to choose one of the two, which would it be? Suppose you were given the choice to live in freedom in the United States, Canada or any country that was enjoying freedom, what would your response be? Wouldn’t you always remember the date you were set free? Would you want to return to bondage? Certainly not! You would let freedom rings.
The Statue of Liberty, located on Liberty Island, Manhattan, New York in the United States “symbolizes freedom throughout the world. She has held a patriotic place in each and every American heart since she was unveiled in October 1886, and has greeted all immigrants into Ellis Island, announcing that their journey to the "land of the free" has finally come to an end.” (Library.ThinkQuest.Org) In addition to freedom, the statue also symbolizes American power and wealth which their people will defend at all cost.
It is interesting to note that the Statue which symbolizes freedom throughout the world is now believed to be freedom only in America. Why so? Because the American people believe they are truly free and they act like it. Many people from all over the world (who are and/or think they are in bondage in their country) are desirous of entering “the land of the free and the home of the brave”. Many are still fleeing to this great country, even those who have been set free from the bondage of sin but not from its presence.
Wherever you’re from, be assured that you are or can be made free in the liberty of Christ. Celebrate the date you receive spiritual freedom and defend your freedom! Do not return to a life of bondage in sin. You may be faced with physical constraints, such as persecution for your faith, etc. - still celebrate your freedom in Christ in other creative ways. Many do not value this freedom as it shows in actions that put our Savior to open shame. Be encouraged. Irrespective of whatever situation in which you find yourself, do not return to your life of bondage in sin! You may not be free from the presence of sin, but you are free from its bondage. Let freedom rings.
With great pride, Americans sacrificed to maintain their physical freedom – no cost too great, no life too valuable! As children of the King and heirs to His throne, our freedom, purchased with the blood of God’s only Son should evoke such great pride in our conduct as freedom from sin rings out in our lives. It will also motivate us to go tell the world that they can be free from the bondage of sin. Let freedom rings.
Be no more entangled with sin and its practices. You have been set free and you have been given the power to live above sin. Why not let freedom from sin ring out in your life today and always?
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus who sets us free from the power of sin. We look forward to that day when He will also free us from the presence of sin. Until then, please help us to let His freedom rings out in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)