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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.


As He goes through your records and mine, what will they reveal? Have you been naughty or nice? Does it matter? What’s important is that all your sins are confessed to Jesus Christ, not to a representative. We must turn away from practicing them. Since the process has begun with the dead, we can be certain that He is now examining the recorded entries for the living. You and I do not know when He will call our names – if it hasn’t already been done. Therefore, it means that we have no more time to be naughty, to practice sin. We are now living in our Yom Kippur – our Day of Atonement. Now is the time for us to put away our sins and be clean, or else we will be cut-off.

The king was heartbroken. How could they not come when he had already prepared everything for a grand celebration? There was much food for the reception - what would be done with it? Perhaps, believing that the first set of servants might not have been persuasive enough, he sent yet another set of servants; but, this time, the specially invited guests treated them badly and even murdered them. Word got back to the king, who was furious. He realized that those invited guests were unworthy of his invitation. In retaliation, he then sent his armies who destroyed all those murderers.

Organizations keep records for varied reasons - one such record is the register. Registers are usually a list of names which show association with or attendance to school, work, and even church (as common examples). These important lists are u¬¬sed for organizing and reporting, or keeping track of someone or something. Even the fairytale Santa Clause is said to have kept records: one list of those who are naughty, and another for those who are nice. Records are important in Heaven too.