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What does the Bible say about sex? Why is it we never talk or preach about it? Why did God give sex as a gift to humanity? What larger truth does it reveal about the nature of the relationship between humanity and divinity? Can we use this gift in any way we choose? What does the Bible say about relationships outside of the context established in Creation?
John Spellman speaks on the story of Joseph and storing up resources for times of famine. In this practical Bible story we can learn a lot with regard to finances and investing, but what about our spiritual investment? How do we prepare for a spiritual famine in which God's Word becomes scarce and unheeded?
What does the Bible say about families? What wise words in the book of proverbs give counsel to families? Should parents discipline their children? Should you marry a person with anger issues? What virtues make a great wife? How can you make a home happy following God’s design for marriage?
In life we experience many changes. What does the Bible say about marriage, raising children, getting old, and preparing for death? How can we prepare for the major changes life has for us? How can knowing God impact the manner in which we go through these changes?
Life is often filled with choices? Whom to follow, whom to be friends with, whom to marry. The people closest to us often have great influence over our lives. How can we be sure we’ve made great choices in fiends, advisors, or counselors? How can we choose to do the right thing? Does God control our choices? What does it mean to have free choice or free will? What is a free moral agent?
This quarter we start a new series on family and relationships? Did God create man for relationships? Is there an order to life and to all things in Creation? What did Solomon mean when he talked about the different times and seasons for purposes under heaven? What patterns, changes, and cycles do we experience in life and also around us?
What will heaven be like? Where will God’s people live? Will life in eternity be like this life now here on earth? What will happen to the wicked? What does the Bible mean by new heaven and new earth? How are these things symbolized through the marriage relationship of a bride and groom?
As we explore the subject of feeling alone, does technology and social media play a role in the weakening of our most important relationships? Has the next generation become too desensitized, plugged in, and disconnected from the real world? How does this condition fulfill end time prophecies? How can God make the difference in restoring broken relationships?
What can we learn about the end-time Babylon system? Why will God send judgment upon it? Why is her crime described as adultery? What populations of people make up Babylon’s support system? What impact will God’s judgments have on the support of Babylon? How do these prophecies connect with he prophecies of Daniel and our need to be spiritually ready?
John Spellman preaches at Babylon SDA Church discussing the why difficult things can happen in a Christian's life? Should we be afraid of hardship? Why does God allow it? How did God teach Moses to deal with difficult situations? What lessons are there for us today? Should we give up when things are hard? What if we encounter hardship?
What are the 7 last plagues and how do they compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt? What are the similarities between the rebellion of Pharaoh and the Egyptians compared to that of the wicked in the end times? Will people repent once the plagues fall? Will God’s judgments be fair? Will God’s people be on earth during the time of these plagues? How will they be protected?
Why do some people push others away in order to avoid pain? Do relationships require risk? What does the Bible say about taking risks in building relationships? Is it healthy to shut people out of our lives or assume that they will hurt us even before they've ever done so?
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