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Topic: Jesus

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Jesus as the Prince of Peace warned that there would sometimes be division. How can we find rest when we constantly deal with selfishness, ambition, and hypocrisy? In what way does Christ uproot restlessness in our lives and in our world? How can we enjoy rest in him? Can rest be found in the new age religions or mysticism? How does Christ make the difference?
What are the benefits of the New Covenant life? Can Christians really have joy? What does the New Covenant do about guilt? What does it mean to have a new heart? Can life only be enjoyed in eternity future? What kind of life can we have now and what purpose does it have?
Whether old or new covenant, Jesus paid the debt owed to the law so that guilty sinners can stand righteous in the sight of God? But what is imputed righteousness? How did Jesus pay the ransom? If salvation is by grace through faith, can a person continue sinning if they are under grace?
What are the effects of sin on humanity? Who can be forgiven? Why does God give people light? What is the relationship between God's grace and His law? How did Jesus fulfill the prophecy of the "acceptable year of the Lord"? Why does a loving God have a "day of vengeance"?
How did God accomplish the unthinkable for humanity? What did the prophet Isaiah predict about the nature of the Messiah? How can we reconcile the mighty ruler with the suffering servant? How did Jesus fulfill these prophecies in the New Testament? Why was it so difficult for many to accept? In what way was Jesus our substitute?
Isaiah speaks about two kinds of servants. How can we identify them both? How can the prophecy of Cyrus show us how God gives us hope for the future even amid difficult and trying circumstances? What do the prophecies about the Messiah show us about Jesus' mission on earth?
How does God educate us? In what ways do we learn from God? When does learning ever end? Why is it so difficult for some to obtain spiritual knowledge? How are wisdom and understanding a blessing to many around those that have it? How does scripture inform the Christian life? What did Jesus come to teach us? What does education have to do with the image and likeness of God?
What can we learn from Jesus as the Master Teacher? What can we learn from His life, incarnation, death, and resurrection? How did Jesus, as the express image of the Father, reveal the Father in a unique way? How can we abide in Christ and reveal God to a world desperately in need of knowing Him? How does all this tie-in with true education?
What does it mean to have a Biblical world view? Why does world view matter? How do Christians view reality different from others? Can secular and Biblical views be blended together? How does our understanding of Creation, the Fall, the Plan of Redemption, and the Second Coming, shape our perspective about the world?
What can we learn from the sacrifice of Jesus about how love manifests itself? Does following Jesus come at a cost? What did Jesus give up to rescue humanity? What can we learn from Paul, Peter, John, and Matthew about what it takes to follow Jesus? How does love manifest itself in the Christian faith?
How can small groups play a role in reaching people and growing the church? How have small groups been helpful throughout Biblical history? What purpose do they serve? How can we effectively do outreach and develop leaders through developing members?
What can we learn from how Jesus ministered to people's needs? What needs were most important to Jesus? How should the church minister today? Is being right more important than the presentation of the message? What did Jesus mean when He called His disciples salt and light?