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What took place after the resurrection of Jesus? What did Jesus teach and prepare His disciples to do? What role would the Holy Spirit play in this? Who were the apostles? Who was present in the upper room at Jerusalem? What role would Jesus’ brothers play in the early church? What did the Old Testament prophecies reveal about the Messiah? What does it mean to be a witness for Jesus?
What can we know about the second coming of Jesus? Will this event be literal? In what way will Jesus come? What will happen on earth as a result of His coming? How can we understand the blessed hope? What will happen to the righteous and the wicked at Jesus’ appearing? How can we discern His arrival from Satan’s last day deceptions?
What is the meaning of Armageddon? How can we understand the role of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet in the end times? What is the significance of the three frog like unclean spirits? How can Babylon be a fallen system if it is so powerful and influential in the end times? What warning does Jesus give us in the midst of the Armageddon passage? How can we be ready for this final show down? What connection is there in all this to Elijah’s show down on Mt. Carmel?
What is the seal of God? How does it contrast the Mark of the Beast? Is the mark of the beast a computer chip, tattoo, or credit card? How does the Sabbath play a role in the final test over the issue of worship? What will contrast and polarize believers and unbelievers in the end times? Does anyone have the mark of the beast yet?
Are there ever times when you feel alone? You may be a person that has lots of friends or even family, but you may go through times in which you feel misunderstood, out of place, or alone because the people closest to you, don’t really get you! There are times when we can be surrounded by people but still feel like we’re alone. One of the greatest lessons of the Bible is that no matter how alone we may feel, regardless of the circumstances, God is always present with us.
What is the identity of the first beast of Revelation 13? What is the identity of the second? What role with the United States play in end time events? How to modern events demonstrate this? How can we be sure based on past events? Are we always able to see the truth of prophetic events right away? What is the false system of worship that must be avoided in the last days?
Jeroboam was seeking to grow his establishment. He spared no expenses in beauty, lively music, and impressive display. As many church leaders seek to grow the church today, what is the key to true growth? What are the challenges working against this today? How can we know if we're in the right place?
How will Satan deceive the world in the last days? How can we discern these deceptions? What did Jesus warn us about end time deceptions? How does the idea of the immortality of the soul, evolution, and the Pentecostal movement play a role in these events? Why will so many be fooled? What is deception and how can we safeguard against it? In what way does Satan counterfeit what originates with God?
What does it mean to fear God and give Him glory? How can we live in such a way that we glorify God? How should the hour of judgment impact our Christianity? Should we be afraid of God? In what way does the Sabbath play a role in end time events? Why does God have a judgment for the church?
What did Jesus reveal about end time events in Matthew 24 and 25? How can we be prepared to meet Jesus? How does the parable of the 10 virgins illustrate end time events? What is the abomination of desolation? Can prophecy have double fulfillments? How does the second beast power of Revelation 13 tie into end time events and end time persecution?
Was the Sabbath really changed to Sunday? Who was responsible for the change? How does this play a role in end time events? What is the connection between the Little Horn power and the beast of Revelation 13? What is the role of the law in the Christian life?
Based on Ezekiel 37, Elder John Spellman speaks on the vitality of a church. What makes a church alive and well? How does this relate to Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones? What is needed for revival in the church today?
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