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Topic: Miscellaneous

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Who are we suffering to teach? Who informs the way we think? The way we live? The way we relate to each other? Or how we meet the challenges of life? If not God, then who? Based on Revelation 2:18-24.
How is the institution of work intended as a blessing to humanity? How did work change from before the Fall to afterwards? How can the work we do be a blessing to others and to ourselves? What is the balance between work, faith, family, and leisure time? How should faith inform our work experience? What should be the mindset we have while working?
What can we learn about God in the natural world? Can education in the arts and sciences really coexist with Biblical knowledge? What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? Are all forms of knowledge good? Are the most highly educated people really all that smart?
How does God educate us? In what ways do we learn from God? When does learning ever end? Why is it so difficult for some to obtain spiritual knowledge? How are wisdom and understanding a blessing to many around those that have it? How does scripture inform the Christian life? What did Jesus come to teach us? What does education have to do with the image and likeness of God?
What does it mean to have a Biblical world view? Why does world view matter? How do Christians view reality different from others? Can secular and Biblical views be blended together? How does our understanding of Creation, the Fall, the Plan of Redemption, and the Second Coming, shape our perspective about the world?
What does it mean to love mercy? How should Christians respond and relate to those in need? How can we be a voice to the voiceless? Should all voices be heard? What is the relationship between faith and practical living? Does God accept our worship if we mistreat one another? How can we cultivate a character of compassion, generosity, peace-making, education, prayer, and good expectations?
What was God’s plan through the nation of Israel? How did the laws, commandments, and years of Jubilee send a powerful message to the surrounding nations about equity and caring for the marginalized and oppressed? Does God care about the less fortunate? What does it mean to love your neighbor in times of hardship? What is the difference between the letter and Spirit of the law?
Life is often filled with choices? Whom to follow, whom to be friends with, whom to marry. The people closest to us often have great influence over our lives. How can we be sure we’ve made great choices in fiends, advisors, or counselors? How can we choose to do the right thing? Does God control our choices? What does it mean to have free choice or free will? What is a free moral agent?
Where did Paul travel on his second missionary journey? How did people among the Jews and Gentiles respond to the gospel message? How did God intervene at times when Paul wanted to give up or go in a different direction? Why was Timothy circumcised? How did the approach of the Bereans differ from that of those in Thessalonica?
Pastor Michael Mirra interviews Boro Bacev: an ex-homosexual sharing his testimony on surrendering to God and walking with Jesus as a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. After his conviction through a sermon by Doug Batchelor, Boro no longer identifies as a homosexual. Instead, he shares thoughts on his victory over sin, the modern day compromises in the church, and how to share faith with the LGBT community without compromising Bible principle.
Does God always hear prayers for healing? If an answer to prayer doesn't come, does that mean God has abandoned us? Is there a such thing as too late for God? Does God still work miracles even in our post modern world? How can we have faith in God when prayers are not always answered? How can we believe He loves us when healing doesn't come when we think it should? Were there any examples of Jesus delaying answers to petitions from someone He loved? What can we learn about from these stories about why God doesn't always heal right away?

Part 3 of "When I'm Suffering Illness" on Ever-Present focuses on the health and medical professions? Is going to the doctor contrary to God's plan? If there are many who don't believe in God within the medical professions does that mean that Christians shouldn't get professional help when they are burdened with diseases and illness? Can true believers only be healed by miracles or does God bless people in the medical professions whether or not they acknowledge Him? Can it be proven from the Bible that God uses non-believers to be a blessing to believers?