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Topic: Creation

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What is the purpose of the Sabbath as the Covenant sign? What does the Sabbath point us to? Why did God give the children of Israel the Sabbath? What are the origins of the Sabbath and why was it a sign of sanctification?
What can we learn about God in the natural world? Can education in the arts and sciences really coexist with Biblical knowledge? What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? Are all forms of knowledge good? Are the most highly educated people really all that smart?
What does it mean to have a Biblical world view? Why does world view matter? How do Christians view reality different from others? Can secular and Biblical views be blended together? How does our understanding of Creation, the Fall, the Plan of Redemption, and the Second Coming, shape our perspective about the world?
What is the role of the family in education? What can we learn about the education of the first human beings? How could Eden have been the perfect model school? Who was the first teacher? How are children to be raised to fear, love, and obey God? What does the Bible teach about parenting and education? Isn't it as simple as dropping your kids off at church each week while you do something else?
What is the relationship between science and the Bible? Did the Bible ever teach a flat earth? Did the Creation story borrow from ancient myths? Can we be certain about Biblical history or when that history took place? How did the New Testament authors and Jesus, Himself, view the Creation account?
What does the Bible say about Creation? Did God create the world in 6 literal days? How can we know for sure? How does theistic evolution contradict the Bible? How does the Sabbath reinforce the Biblical perspective? How does Creation impact our view of marriage and salvation?
What does the Bible say about families? What wise words in the book of proverbs give counsel to families? Should parents discipline their children? Should you marry a person with anger issues? What virtues make a great wife? How can you make a home happy following God’s design for marriage?
Life is often filled with choices? Whom to follow, whom to be friends with, whom to marry. The people closest to us often have great influence over our lives. How can we be sure we’ve made great choices in fiends, advisors, or counselors? How can we choose to do the right thing? Does God control our choices? What does it mean to have free choice or free will? What is a free moral agent?
This quarter we start a new series on family and relationships? Did God create man for relationships? Is there an order to life and to all things in Creation? What did Solomon mean when he talked about the different times and seasons for purposes under heaven? What patterns, changes, and cycles do we experience in life and also around us?
What will heaven be like? Where will God’s people live? Will life in eternity be like this life now here on earth? What will happen to the wicked? What does the Bible mean by new heaven and new earth? How are these things symbolized through the marriage relationship of a bride and groom?
What is the connection between the mark of the beast and the everlasting gospel? How do the messages of the 3 angels prepare us for the end time conflict and final test of loyalty between God and the satan? Who is Babylon and who are her daughters? What does the judgment mean for those who live in these end times?
How can the church be united in worship? What is worship? Why do we worship? How does worship form the basis for the end time conflict? In response to what God has done we worship Him as creator, redeemer, judge, and King of the Universe. Satan, through false systems of worship, often tries to steal the glory and honor due only to God. This great controversy has been shown throughout salvation history.