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Topic: Creation

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What is the work of the Holy Spirit? How was the Holy Spirit at work in the work building of the sanctuary, the incarnation of Jesus, and in the transforming the lives of people? What did the Holy Spirit do in the work of Creation? How does the Holy Spirit continue the work of Jesus on Earth? How much can we understand and know about the Holy Spirit? Why does He seem to work behind the scenes?




John Spellman preaches on the true meaning of Christmas. Though Jesus wasn't born on December 25th, the Christian world commemorates His first advent. But why did Jesus come to this world as a baby? What was the purpose of His arrival? What hope is there in the first coming of Jesus for people today? What are we really celebrating in the Christmas season? Was Jesus really the Son of God? Why was He called Immanuel? These questions are explored as we discuss the true meaning of Christmas.




God answers Job after his long speech and asks a series of questions. What is the purpose to God’s questions? When we pray should we expect God to answer back? What did Job learn from God’s response? Can we ever truly accuse God of wrong doing when things in life are not as we might want them? Job learns that God is awesome and that there is so much he doesn’t know. How might this story be a lesson for us when we go through times of hardship and we think God is unfair?




Why does God allow human suffering? Does human suffering really disprove the existence of an almighty and all powerful God? What does the Bible have to say about human suffering? Why does God permit it? Did Job still believe in God even when he went through times of hardship? How do the cosmological argument, theodicy, and the great controversy help us to understand the question of human suffering and the existence of an all-powerful God?




In what way were Adam and Eve given dominion? Is dominion always a bad thing? Was man designed to take advantage of and plunder the earth's resources? Or was humanity entrusted with the Creation to care for and look after it? How much of man's dominion was lost after the fall? Are there ways in which we can still exercise it today? Can the restoration of dominion be experienced now? In this lesson we talk about stewardship of the planet, animals, and all of the earth's resources as well as relationships with others and God.




This quarter we focus on the role of the church in the community. In what way was man created in the image of God? What was lost because of sin? How does the mission of Jesus seek to restore what was lost? What role does the church plan in the restoration process? How does Satan seek to prevent this? What promises did God make about restoration? What role does humanity play in the process? How does this tie-into what Jesus accomplished on the cross?




John Spellman speaks at the Patchogue SDA church on the story of Daniel in the lion's den and it's connection to our time today. Is it possible for unjust laws, policies, or rules to be made which threaten God's faithful followers? What would you do if you had to choose between standing for your faith or compromising with the world? Can a Christian always get along with everybody? Does God still deliver people in times of trouble today? Discover how the worst things can begin with good intentions.

Why did Jesus have run-ins with the scribes and pharisees? Were the accusations against him true? Was Jesus a breaker of the Sabbath? Did He view the Sabbath as important? What was His message regarding the Sabbath and the legalistic regulations of the religious leaders? What message might this have for us today? Jesus invites us to take part in His rest. But what kind of rest was He talking about?




John Spellman speaks on the 1st Angels message. What does this message have to do with our time today? Should it still be preached in churches? Why is the Sabbath the center of controversy in today's world? Why is Creation so important to our faith? If the hour of judgment is come, what does that mean for believers today? This presentation focuses on the ever-lasting gospel that must be preached to all before the end can come.




John Spellman preaches on the 7th church of Revelation. What is Jesus' message to the church of our time? How does Jesus introduce Himself to the church of our time in a unique manner that addresses the unique problems and challenges of today? Jesus: the amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God calls the church to recognize its true condition. As a forest of trees would be unstable and unsafe if each of those trees was not rooted in the soil, so today God's people must be rooted in Jesus and anchored in truth.




As we study rebellion and redemption, what impact did sin have on humanity? How did sin impact the children of Adam and Eve as well as the generations to come? What does all this have to do with the Great Controversy? Did God step in to deal with this crisis or did He leave humanity on its own to fend for themselves? What does God's relationship with Abraham teach us about how sure can we be about God's promises? How do the lives of Jacob, Esau, and Joseph show us the growing process God takes us through to accomplish His plans for us?

This week we start a new series on rebellion and redemption. Why is the world as messed up as it is today?  Are the corruption, disease, pollution, and problems we observe part of God's design? What went wrong in the Garden of Eden? Is God to blame for Adam and Eve's mistake? Why did the tree of the knowledge of good and evil exist? Was mankind set up to fail? Why was humanity given power to choose? How does all this tie in with the Great Controversy and with our lives today?