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Topic: Hell

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What will heaven be like? Where will God’s people live? Will life in eternity be like this life now here on earth? What will happen to the wicked? What does the Bible mean by new heaven and new earth? How are these things symbolized through the marriage relationship of a bride and groom?
What is the connection between the mark of the beast and the everlasting gospel? How do the messages of the 3 angels prepare us for the end time conflict and final test of loyalty between God and the satan? Who is Babylon and who are her daughters? What does the judgment mean for those who live in these end times?
What can we learn about the 7 seals? What do they mean? How do they connect with the 7 churches? What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse? How is history represented in this prophecy? How do these events connect with the Reformation and the Dark Ages? What stages did the church go through from the first century until the present? How can we unlock the mystery behind the 7 seals?

How did Peter describe the Christian experience? What virtues of Christianity did he emphasize? Do Christians have a role to play in the salvation experience? What is the most important virtue of all? How did Peter view the life after death experience? What did he mean by putting off my tabernacle? As Peter writes his final letter before following Jesus to the cross, what can we learn and apply to our lives today?




How do Job’s 3 friends Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar attempt to comfort him? What kind of advice to they give? What can we learn from their experience about comforting those who go through tragedy? Is sin always the reason for bad things that happen? Do we always know why people go through difficult experiences? Does God always punish sin? Are there Biblical examples of divine retribution? Is there a point at which people have gone too far?




What will God's kingdom be like? Will there be potential for the sin problem to rise up again? What does God do in the lives imperfect people? Will the saved have to obey God's law throughout eternity? Is it even possible to obey God? What does the New Covenant tell us about the kingdom of God? This week we explore these topics.