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Topic: Angels

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What makes good leadership? What happens when leaders become prideful? How did Isaiah's vision compare and contrast with King Uzziah's intrusion of the sanctuary? What can we learn from the prophet's vision? How is knowledge of God's holiness still relevant today?
What impact do our prayers have on God's actions and intervention in the lives of people we pray for? What can we learn from how Jesus prayed for people? What about how Paul prayed? What does the Bible say about unseen forces and the impact of prayer in the midst of spiritual war? Is intercessory prayer still needed and effective today in reaching modern people?
What does Daniel learn about the cosmic conflict in Daniel 10? What does this teach us about spiritual warfare today? Why did Daniel pray for 21 days if God was listening from the very first day? What role did Jesus play in this cosmic conflict? Why is Gabriel held up from answering Daniel’s prayer? Why was Daniel so weak in his encounter with a heavenly being and why was he touched 3 times?
What part of the vision did Daniel not understand in Daniel chapter 8? How does Gabriel make this clear in chapter 9? On what basis does Daniel appeal to God on behalf of the people? What events will happen in the 70 Week prophecy? How did this tie in with Jesus’ conversation with Peter about forgiving his brother? How did this prophecy predict the date of the first coming of the Messiah?
What are the 7 last plagues and how do they compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt? What are the similarities between the rebellion of Pharaoh and the Egyptians compared to that of the wicked in the end times? Will people repent once the plagues fall? Will God’s judgments be fair? Will God’s people be on earth during the time of these plagues? How will they be protected?
What is meant by the 7 Trumpets of Revelation? What do they reveal and warn us of? How should we understand the locusts, and the other plagues that take place? What are the connections between Daniel and Revelation and how do they help us understand Revelation 10 and the little book eaten by Daniel? How does this connect to the proclamation of the 3 Angel’s Message?
What can we learn from Revelation 4-5. Who are the 24 elders? Who are the 4 beasts? Why is Jesus represented as a lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes? What is in the scroll sealed with 7 seals? As we study this scene in heaven we’ll gain insight into a worship experience in heaven as Jesus is deemed worthy to open the book as the redeemer of humanity and God is worshipped as the Creator.
How can the church be united in worship? What is worship? Why do we worship? How does worship form the basis for the end time conflict? In response to what God has done we worship Him as creator, redeemer, judge, and King of the Universe. Satan, through false systems of worship, often tries to steal the glory and honor due only to God. This great controversy has been shown throughout salvation history.
How will Satan deceive the world in the last days? How can we discern these deceptions? What did Jesus warn us about end time deceptions? How does the idea of the immortality of the soul, evolution, and the Pentecostal movement play a role in these events? Why will so many be fooled? What is deception and how can we safeguard against it? In what way does Satan counterfeit what originates with God?
What does the book of Revelation tell us about end time events? How does it compare with the book of Daniel? What is meant by apocalypse? What can we learn about Jesus from Revelation? Should prophecy be interpreted as past, present, future, or history? Can the book of Revelation be understood? How can understanding the sanctuary help us understand end time events?
How did the war between good and evil begin? What is the mystery of iniquity? Did God create evil? How was the conflict between Christ and Satan brought to our world? Has God abandoned us? Who is Satan at war with today? Does God still have a commandment keeping Church? What is the testimony of Jesus?
What is the relationship between the law and the promises of God? If the law doesn’t save us, why did God give the law? What does Paul mean by law in Galatians 3? Why does Paul use the analogy of a will and testament to describe God’s promises? What is the purpose of the law and is that purpose still needed today?