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Topic: Encouragement

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This is the conclusion of the 4 part series on dating and relationships and practical advice for finding the right person. Talks about the meeting of Isaac and Rebecca. How did Rebecca know that this relationship was going to work out? Why did she agree to marry a man she had never met? How does this relate to how God leads in relationships today? What practical advise can we take from these events about relationships and God's leading? How does Proverbs 5 suggest we should deal with relationships that don't follow these principles?

Have you ever had a problem that you wanted to hide from everyone around you? Are there things in your life you wish no one knew about? Why is the world the way it is? Why do we see so much corruption, greed, disease, sickness, and problems as we observe the world around us? Is God still involved in the affairs of humanity? Where was God when everything started going wrong? Can we trust that God is still present today even in the midst of political and moral turmoil? Man hides from God, but God is ever-present and seeking out humanity. Where are you?




Pastor Michael Mirra hosts Ever-Present, an interactive Bible based talk show which explores how God is invested in the affairs of humanity. God cares about people. While sometimes we don't always understand why things happen a certain way, God is Ever-Present in our lives working on our behalf in ways we don't always realize. In this episode Pastor Mirra focuses on how human beings often have stormy moments in life that take us by surprise. When disaster strikes or bad things happen, where is God?

Who is God to you? What can God do in your life? Based on Exodus chapter 3, John Spellman speaks on who God is and what God does. How does God introduce Himself to humanity? How can we begin a personal relationship with God? What does God do when we come to know Him? How can we see the providential hand of God at work? What evidence of God's interaction with humanity can we see today? These questions are explored in the story of Moses' first encounter with God. Learn how God can make all the difference in your life today.
Season 02 Episode 13 of Gems of Truth. Have you ever wondered how you can be motivated to serve God? Do you want to keep the fire of your Christianity burning? Do you sometimes get discouraged by the things going on around you in the Church? The visions of Zechariah reveal a surprising secret about how God keeps the lamp of every believer burning brightly. You too can be on fire for Jesus! This message is for everyone who has ever felt like giving up.
Season 02 Episode 12 of Gems of Truth. Is everything in your life falling apart? Have you ever felt like every time you try to do the right thing, things go terribly wrong? Has it ever seemed as if the wicked are prospering while the right doers suffer? God promises that all things work together for good to them that love Him... even when it may not seem that way to us. This episode follows the story of Joseph and his unexpected journey into Egypt. Discover how God can use bad situations to work out for the overall blessing of His people... even when it gets really bad!
Season 02 Episode 11 of Gems of Truth. Have you ever felt like your church wasn't what you expected it to be? Do you sometimes get caught up in the drama and the politics? Do you ever find yourself wishing that you could just tune everything else out, and focus your attention on Jesus and your relationship with God? This episode focuses on exposing Satan's attempt to sift you right out of God's church. It explores the parable of the wheat and the tares and emphasizes a practical approach to staying focused in God's church.
Season 02 Episode 09 of Gems of Truth. Have you ever felt insignificant? Do you sometimes feel like you have short comings and flaws? Do you wonder what purpose God has called you to? This episode explores how God calls people who felt unprepared, insignificant, and unequipped to do great and mighty things. Moses was not eloquent in speech, Jeremiah was only a child, and Isaiah was a man of unclean lips. Many of us today have flaws. Find out what God can do with people who aren't perfect!
Andrew Whitaker shares his testimony about overcoming sin and living a victorious life. Learn how you can too. Andrew shares a word of encouragement about watching and praying to avoid entering into temptation. If you've struggled with besetting sins or struggle with evil thoughts due to the movies, television shows, and things circulated and suggested through Hollywood, this testimony will bring you encouragement.
God is a personal God who answers prayers. John Spellman, founder, president and CEO of Inspirited Network Ministries, gives his conversion story / testimony explaining how an aspiring rapper leaves everything behind deciding to follow Jesus. Learn how God answers prayers in amazing ways, changing lives. Is Jesus knocking at the door of your heart today? The story you're about to hear may surprise you!
Season 01 Episode 07 of Gems of Truth. Presents the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. This presentation is about the power of consistent prayer. John Spellman shares his testimony about how God works through prayer in miraculous ways.
Christine Carter shares her testimony on the Inspirited Network. You'll find it encouraging and faith building!