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Topic: Encouragement

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Naomi was alone because there was death in her family. The reality of death makes many people feel alone. Everyone can think of close friends or loved ones and relatives that have passed away. In Naomi’s situation, she lost the people that were closest to her. She was hit with the reality that the people she spent the majority of her time with were now no longer here. Had God abandoned her? Does God care when we feel alone because we lose people we love?
One of the reasons why we feel alone is because like Naomi in the story of Ruth, we push people out of our lives. In the same way we often push God out of our lives at times when we most need Him. God sends people into our lives to give us comfort, encouragement, wisdom, and strength. He created man a social being. Sometimes we're alone because we push others away trying not to get hurt.
How did Saul of Tarsus become the Apostle Paul? What message is there in Paul’s story for believers today? What kinds of opposition did Paul face? Why is Paul considered an apostle of Jesus? Did he see Jesus after the resurrection?
Are there ever times when you feel alone? You may be a person that has lots of friends or even family, but you may go through times in which you feel misunderstood, out of place, or alone because the people closest to you, don’t really get you! There are times when we can be surrounded by people but still feel like we’re alone. One of the greatest lessons of the Bible is that no matter how alone we may feel, regardless of the circumstances, God is always present with us.
Jeroboam was seeking to grow his establishment. He spared no expenses in beauty, lively music, and impressive display. As many church leaders seek to grow the church today, what is the key to true growth? What are the challenges working against this today? How can we know if we're in the right place?
What did Jesus reveal about end time events in Matthew 24 and 25? How can we be prepared to meet Jesus? How does the parable of the 10 virgins illustrate end time events? What is the abomination of desolation? Can prophecy have double fulfillments? How does the second beast power of Revelation 13 tie into end time events and end time persecution?
Sirius Taylor speaks on the blessing of being blind. Sermon focuses on the story of Jesus healing a blind man who did not sin nor did his parents sin. Is it possible that many of us receive hardship that is our greatest blessing.
The final episode of our series on suffering and illness, the panel discusses the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus' daughter. What does the Bible mean by the "Prayer of Faith". Could we see more miracles if there were more faith? Is God ever too late? Can lack of faith hinder miracles? Why did Jesus choose not to perform miracles around people present who lacked faith?
As new believers join the church they are often discouraged when they are confronted with imperfections. Focusing on the story of Achan, John Spellman speaks to how we sometimes bring accursed things into the church which are a stumbling block to everyone.

Part 7 of Ever-Present: When I'm Suffering Illness continues. What does Jesus do in response to Lazarus' death? Did everyone believe as a result? Are there times when we think God is too late? Do miracles still happen today? Why did God allow Lazarus to die at first? Are there times when our hangups prevent miracles? How can prayer change situations?




Does God always hear prayers for healing? If an answer to prayer doesn't come, does that mean God has abandoned us? Is there a such thing as too late for God? Does God still work miracles even in our post modern world? How can we have faith in God when prayers are not always answered? How can we believe He loves us when healing doesn't come when we think it should? Were there any examples of Jesus delaying answers to petitions from someone He loved? What can we learn about from these stories about why God doesn't always heal right away?

Does God care about human dignity and self esteem? What is the connection between self-worth and physical illness? How does the sin problem contribute to the triggers that cause illnesses like eating disorders and mental health challenges? Did God create human beings to have low self esteem and doubts? When family challenges, life disappointments, job requirements, and high expectations make us feel low, how can a knowledge of God put things in proper perspective and aid us in maintaining our health and physical well being?