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Topic: The Prophets

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Tradition, experience, reason, culture and the Bible all play a role in matters of faith. But, what is the proper role of each? What is the most authoritative in matters of faith, religion, practice, and theology? What does the Bible say is most authoritative? How did Jesus value tradition? How do you know when the Holy Spirit is leading? Can we trust what we feel and experience?
How did scripture form the basis for everything that Jesus did and taught? What emphasis did He place on scripture for justification of His ministry, actions, and fulfillment of prophecy? How did the apostles view scripture? What should this teach us about the Bible today? How did Jesus use the Word of God to combat the devil? Is there a difference between faith and presumption?
Can we trust the Bible? How do we know it is divinely inspired? What role did God play in the process that produced the Bible? What claims does the Bible make about itself?
What does Daniel learn about the cosmic conflict in Daniel 10? What does this teach us about spiritual warfare today? Why did Daniel pray for 21 days if God was listening from the very first day? What role did Jesus play in this cosmic conflict? Why is Gabriel held up from answering Daniel’s prayer? Why was Daniel so weak in his encounter with a heavenly being and why was he touched 3 times?
What is the cleansing of the sanctuary? How can an understanding of the sanctuary service o the Old Testament help us understand Jesus’ High Priestly ministry? In what way did the little horn power attack the daily ministration of Christ? How does this affect us today? What part of this vision doesn’t Daniel understand? What is meant by the 2300 day prophecy in Daniel 8?
What did Daniel predict about end time events. What end time power will persecute God’s people? How will God judge? Where are we now in prophetic history? How were Gods times and laws changed? How long will this persecuting power last? What is the focus of Daniel 7.
Are there times when faithfulness to God and your responsibilities in secular matters can lead to jealousy? Are there people who conspire against you when you do the right thing? Daniel finds himself in the lions den as King Darius makes an ill-advised law that requires Daniel to choose between God and the king. Daniel would have to choose between his conscience or his faith. Are we sometimes put in these situations today? How can we respond? How does God respond?
What was the writing on the wall? Why did God number the days of the Babylonian kingdom? Had Daniel been forgotten during the reign of Belshazzar? What happened as a result of the kings open defiance against God? What can we learn about this in relation to the end time Babylon?
How does God's interaction with king Nebuchadnezzar show that He is intimately involved in the affairs of humanity and politics? Does God humble world leaders today? With 3 attempts, not entirely successful, in reaching Nebuchadnezzar's heart, God again reaches out to the proud king and temporarily dethrones him and sends him to live among beasts of the field. How does God work with stubborn hearts today?
What does the Bible reveal about the course of human history? Is God in control of the destiny of humanity? Where is human history headed? What does prophecy reveal for the end times? How did God make Himself known to king Nebuchadnezzar through the prophet Daniel? What does that mean for us today?
How do you keep your faith when you’re surrounded by ideas, philosophy, another religion, and people that are antagonistic to what you believe? The three Hebrews and Daniel’s obedience, even in small things, led to gaining favor and influence while he was a captive in Babylon. God is sovereign over history and cares about His people.
What was the role of Nehemiah in fulfilling God’s promise to bring back the captives of Judah? How were the prayers of Nehemiah similar to Daniel? In what ways did God work through pagan kings to accomplish His purposes? What lessons can we learn about leadership from Nehemiah? Does trusting in God mean we shouldn’t think things through?