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Topic: The Bible

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What is the cleansing of the sanctuary? How can an understanding of the sanctuary service o the Old Testament help us understand Jesus’ High Priestly ministry? In what way did the little horn power attack the daily ministration of Christ? How does this affect us today? What part of this vision doesn’t Daniel understand? What is meant by the 2300 day prophecy in Daniel 8?
What did Daniel predict about end time events. What end time power will persecute God’s people? How will God judge? Where are we now in prophetic history? How were Gods times and laws changed? How long will this persecuting power last? What is the focus of Daniel 7.
What does the Bible reveal about the course of human history? Is God in control of the destiny of humanity? Where is human history headed? What does prophecy reveal for the end times? How did God make Himself known to king Nebuchadnezzar through the prophet Daniel? What does that mean for us today?
How should we worship God? What principles can we take from examples of worship in the Bible? What impact did music have on people in terms of worship? How was worship set up after the rebuilding of the temple and the wall? What role did dedication, purification, and sacrifice play in the worship experience? How do these things inform our worship experience today?
How does God lead us to repentance and spiritual revival? When the feasts were over, How did the Israelites in Nehemiah's time go about the work of confession and repentance? What subjects were addressed in their prayer? What role does the Bible play in revival?
What impact did the Word of God play in the revival of the captives returning to Jerusalem? What did they learn from Ezra as the Law of Moses was read and explained to the people? What was the proper response to their understanding of their need for repentance? What was the significance of the Feast of Tabernacles?
What was the role of Nehemiah in fulfilling God’s promise to bring back the captives of Judah? How were the prayers of Nehemiah similar to Daniel? In what ways did God work through pagan kings to accomplish His purposes? What lessons can we learn about leadership from Nehemiah? Does trusting in God mean we shouldn’t think things through?
What can we learn about how God views the poor, oppressed, and underprivileged from the books of Psalms and Proverbs? What can we learn about the themes of mercy and justice? Is God’s judgment something to be feared or something to look forward to? What impact will the judgment have on those who do what is right? While many who are oppressed appeal to the highest court, the court in heaven, what can be expected when we ask God to do something?!
John Spellman speaks on the story of Joseph and storing up resources for times of famine. In this practical Bible story we can learn a lot with regard to finances and investing, but what about our spiritual investment? How do we prepare for a spiritual famine in which God's Word becomes scarce and unheeded?
Life is often filled with choices? Whom to follow, whom to be friends with, whom to marry. The people closest to us often have great influence over our lives. How can we be sure we’ve made great choices in fiends, advisors, or counselors? How can we choose to do the right thing? Does God control our choices? What does it mean to have free choice or free will? What is a free moral agent?
What is meant by the 7 Trumpets of Revelation? What do they reveal and warn us of? How should we understand the locusts, and the other plagues that take place? What are the connections between Daniel and Revelation and how do they help us understand Revelation 10 and the little book eaten by Daniel? How does this connect to the proclamation of the 3 Angel’s Message?
What can we learn about the 7 seals? What do they mean? How do they connect with the 7 churches? What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse? How is history represented in this prophecy? How do these events connect with the Reformation and the Dark Ages? What stages did the church go through from the first century until the present? How can we unlock the mystery behind the 7 seals?