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Topic: The Sanctuary System

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What does Christ do on our behalf as High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary? Can only Levites be priests? What can we learn from the sanctuary system about our salvation? What is the difference between what was accomplished on the cross and what is done for us in heaven? Why is Jesus often referred to as a lamb? What does the sacrifice of Jesus reveal about the character of God?
What does the book of Revelation tell us about end time events? How does it compare with the book of Daniel? What is meant by apocalypse? What can we learn about Jesus from Revelation? Should prophecy be interpreted as past, present, future, or history? Can the book of Revelation be understood? How can understanding the sanctuary help us understand end time events?
What does Paul mean by freedom in Christ? In what way are we free? What are we freed from? Does freedom in Christ mean we disregard the law? Can legalism or indulgence in sin be true freedom? Why would circumcision cause one to fall from grace and lose Christ?
Why does Paul uses the analogy of a guardian slave and a master’s son to describe the relationship between the law and the believer? Why does Paul also use the analogy of a son and his inheritance as a minor? What happens when the faith of Christ enters the picture? What were the days, months, seasons, and years mentioned in Galatians 4:10? Why did Paul warn the Galatians about going back to slavery?

As we conclude our study on the books of 1st and 2nd Peter, what are the major themes brought out in these epistles? What does Peter have to say about persecution, the suffering of Christ, the Second Coming, and the Judgment? What do these things mean for Christian faith and practice? Are Christians saved by grace to continue in sin? How did Peter view the importance of Scripture?




What does the sacrifice of Jesus mean for Christians today? What hope does the resurrection hold for Christians? What exactly did Jesus suffer while He was here on earth? What can we learn about Jesus from Peter who was one of Jesus’ closest disciples? How can we understand redemption and the high cost of salvation from Peter’s writings?




How does the Holy Spirit impact our prayer lives? How did the Old Testament sanctuary service illustrate the work of the Holy Spirit on our prayers? Are there pre-requisites to answered prayer? What does it mean for us to abide in Christ and for His Word to abide in us? Can we expect answers to prayer when we are full of doubt? Why does God want us to pray and to hope in what is not yet seen? Learn tips on how to get answered prayer.

How does the Old Testament teach the theme of mercy and justice? How did God's mercy and justice play a role in the way the Israelites were to treat and relate to one another? What message might that have for God's people today? How does God want us to show kindness to those around us? What is the proper relationship between religion and practical faith? Can a person focus so much on religious rituals that they undermine the very principles which God stands for while seeming to practice aspects of their faith? How do the Old Testament prophets speak to this situation?


How did the Old Testament show how important God views justice and mercy? What did the OT prophets have to say about this? Who is deserving of compassion? Should a person show kindness to enemies? What laws existed for the Israelites to show mercy on others and prevent oppression? How were the Israelites to relate to the have-nots among them? What powerful message does this send to Christians today? How did the different types of sabbaths reinforce the principles of equality and freedom? How might the principles of God's government compare with our own today?



Have you ever had a problem that you wanted to hide from everyone around you? Are there things in your life you wish no one knew about? Why is the world the way it is? Why do we see so much corruption, greed, disease, sickness, and problems as we observe the world around us? Is God still involved in the affairs of humanity? Where was God when everything started going wrong? Can we trust that God is still present today even in the midst of political and moral turmoil? Man hides from God, but God is ever-present and seeking out humanity. Where are you?




This lesson explores the antitype of the Day of Atonement. What does it mean for new covenant Christians today? Why does the sanctuary need cleansing? How does the religious / political little horn power of Daniel 8 exalt itself against the "Prince of the Host" and cast down the daily? Is Satan still raging war against God's people today? Are signs and miracles proof of God's hand at work in something?

This lesson explores Jesus as our priest in heaven. How does Jesus intercede on behalf of humanity? What does it mean to be a priest after the order of Melchizedek? What are the similarities and differences with the Aaronic priesthood? What does all this mean for us as Christians?