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Topic: Forgiveness

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What can we learn from God's law? Is it still important for Christians today? What was the difference between the Old and New Covenants? How does the law help to educate future generations? What lessons can we learn about obedience and the cost of disobedience? Is there a difference between fearing God and loving God? What is the relationship between grace, faith, and obedience?
What kind of attitude should Christians have toward reaching others? Does the manner in which we share truth matter? How can we demonstrate acceptance of others while at the same time we are responsible to share the truth with them? Can we love people without sharing truth?
What can we learn from how Jesus ministered to people's needs? What needs were most important to Jesus? How should the church minister today? Is being right more important than the presentation of the message? What did Jesus mean when He called His disciples salt and light?
What impact do our prayers have on God's actions and intervention in the lives of people we pray for? What can we learn from how Jesus prayed for people? What about how Paul prayed? What does the Bible say about unseen forces and the impact of prayer in the midst of spiritual war? Is intercessory prayer still needed and effective today in reaching modern people?
What part of the vision did Daniel not understand in Daniel chapter 8? How does Gabriel make this clear in chapter 9? On what basis does Daniel appeal to God on behalf of the people? What events will happen in the 70 Week prophecy? How did this tie in with Jesus’ conversation with Peter about forgiving his brother? How did this prophecy predict the date of the first coming of the Messiah?
What can we learn from the story of David and his temptation about how we can avoid temptation today? How does this powerful story about God's forgiveness give sinners hope today? Are some in the church carrying burdens that need to be released and given to God?
How should we worship God? What principles can we take from examples of worship in the Bible? What impact did music have on people in terms of worship? How was worship set up after the rebuilding of the temple and the wall? What role did dedication, purification, and sacrifice play in the worship experience? How do these things inform our worship experience today?
How does God lead us to repentance and spiritual revival? When the feasts were over, How did the Israelites in Nehemiah's time go about the work of confession and repentance? What subjects were addressed in their prayer? What role does the Bible play in revival?
What impact did the Word of God play in the revival of the captives returning to Jerusalem? What did they learn from Ezra as the Law of Moses was read and explained to the people? What was the proper response to their understanding of their need for repentance? What was the significance of the Feast of Tabernacles?
What was the role of Nehemiah in fulfilling God’s promise to bring back the captives of Judah? How were the prayers of Nehemiah similar to Daniel? In what ways did God work through pagan kings to accomplish His purposes? What lessons can we learn about leadership from Nehemiah? Does trusting in God mean we shouldn’t think things through?
Have you ever gone through experiences in which you felt like you weren’t getting answers to your prayers? Have you ever felt like you expected more from the church? Do you leave the church feeling like you’ve had an encounter with God? Everybody who comes to church, at some point has to leave the church, and one of the worst ways to leave the church is the exact same way you came in!
What does it mean to love mercy? How should Christians respond and relate to those in need? How can we be a voice to the voiceless? Should all voices be heard? What is the relationship between faith and practical living? Does God accept our worship if we mistreat one another? How can we cultivate a character of compassion, generosity, peace-making, education, prayer, and good expectations?