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Topic: Christian Living

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The end of the story of Ruth and Boaz shows us how God often has a plan that we often can't see until we look back at how he has led us. Often God provides for us through the advice and wisdom of God fearing people He sends into our lives. Many feel alone because they don't have people close to them that can give them good counsel. What kind of people do you have in your life? Do you have friends that don't tell you what you want to hear? Can love look like correction?
How does God provide for us at times when we feel alone? Does God sometimes use people to bless us in times of need? Do we sometimes go through suffering without realizing and seeing how God is leaving us examples of His love to sustain us? How does the story of Ruth and Naomi help us to see how God is ever-present when we feel most alone?
How does scripture unit the Church? What is servant leadership and what does it look like? What does it mean for Christ to be head of the Church? What role does the church play in the salvation experience? How does Bible study and church discipline play a role in preserving church unity? How is the church organized for mission?
How can the church be united in worship? What is worship? Why do we worship? How does worship form the basis for the end time conflict? In response to what God has done we worship Him as creator, redeemer, judge, and King of the Universe. Satan, through false systems of worship, often tries to steal the glory and honor due only to God. This great controversy has been shown throughout salvation history.
Has God ever led you to a place in your life where you felt alone? Are there times when you feel alone because you don't understand God's leading and direction? Sometimes we can be where God wants us to be--even in the church--and still feel alone because others don't recognize God's working in our lives. Ruth and Naomi were in Bethlehem Judah, the place where God wanted them to be, yet still felt alone because no one understood where God was leading them.
Elder John Spellman speaks on the subject of dealing with conflict and the temptation to get even. How should Christians deal with anger? When other treat us wrong, how should we respond? What happens when a prince for a nearby nation abducts and rapes Jacobs daughter? How does this set a model of what not to do when others treat us wrong.How can believers exhibit patience in hardship?
What is the key to unity in the Church? How does Paul’s letter to the Ephesians give us a model for true unity? How does submission, obedience, and love allow unity to exist? What is God’s plan for unity in our relationships—especially between husband and wife? How should this unity impact the message and mission of the Church?
What was the focus of Jesus' last prayer? Why is this prayer called the High Priestly prayer? What does it mean to know God and how does this relate to obedience to the law? How can the church demonstrate unity in love and purpose? Is it possible to love another as Jesus demonstrated?
How can we preserve unity in the church? What creates disunity? How does God’s law connect with unity? What led to the schism in ancient Israel? How was the early church divided? What can we do to avoid division today? How can leadership and counsel influence unity? Should people be allowed to do whatever feels right to them? How can we rightly divide the word of Truth today?
Where did Paul travel on his third missionary journey? What did God reveal as Paul moved toward Jerusalem and how did Paul respond to the revelation? How can we be better prepared for false prophets and false teachers? What kinds of believers did the apostles encounter in Ephesus? As Paul’s message spread what problems did this bring for the pagans?
Pastor Michael Mirra interviews Boro Bacev: an ex-homosexual sharing his testimony on surrendering to God and walking with Jesus as a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. After his conviction through a sermon by Doug Batchelor, Boro no longer identifies as a homosexual. Instead, he shares thoughts on his victory over sin, the modern day compromises in the church, and how to share faith with the LGBT community without compromising Bible principle.
One of the reasons why we feel alone is because like Naomi in the story of Ruth, we push people out of our lives. In the same way we often push God out of our lives at times when we most need Him. God sends people into our lives to give us comfort, encouragement, wisdom, and strength. He created man a social being. Sometimes we're alone because we push others away trying not to get hurt.