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2016 Broadcasts

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How did Jesus win the confidence of people who came in contact with Him? How should the church do the same today? What does confidence mean? What are Biblical examples of confidence and lack of confidence in God? Why is there a great danger in placing too much confidence in people? Is the Church perfect? What are some dangers in placing too much confidence even in church members? How can we point people to Christ in an church that is not perfect? How does God bring people into favor with Him and with others? Why are traits like integrity so important?

How did Jesus minister to people's needs? How did He know their needs? How did Jesus show respect to people he wanted to help? How can we show genuine care and concern for those we seek to help today? Is it appropriate to ask how we can help? Does God ever force His help on us? What do you do when plans to help or to minister get interrupted by the unexpected? Why is it so important for Christians to love one another? How did Dorcas exemplify this and what impact did her love for people have on her ministry? What are the different ways we can approach ministry?



John Spellman completes his 3 part series on the 3rd Angel's Message discussing the final test of the end times. Who will receive the mark of the beast? How can we obtain the seal of God? Who is the beast and what is the beasts mark? How does one avoid the mark? What end time conditions will confront God's people? Should we be afraid? How does faith play a role in the survival of God's people?




How did Jesus show sympathy, compassion, mercy, empathy, pity, and genuine concern for people during the course of His earthly ministry? How can Christians do the same in the world we live in today? Is the God of the Old Testament less compassionate than the God of the New Testament? How can we understand God's compassion in acts of judgment? What does the Old Testament show us about God's reaction to human suffering? Does God ignore human suffering, or does it impact Him? Why is it important for Christians to learn to walk in the shoes of others?

How do you pray for God's help in finding the right person? How would you know if God answered the prayer? Does God perform miracles to let you know when to move forward? What can we expect from God today? Does God give signs when we've found our match? Are there warning signs when we haven't? To what extent does character play a role in looking for the right person? What qualities make a good potential spouse? Should spiritual concerns be the only concerns or are their more practical matters that need to be considered. How did Eliezer know Rebeccah was right for Isaac?

Jesus mingled with people and genuinely desired their good. What message does this have for the church today? How can we genuinely desire the good of others? How does scripture contrast how Jesus cared about people compared to His disciples or prophets like Jonah? How did Jesus treat people who were sick and out-casted? Why did some healings Jesus did occur in more than one stage? What does the Bible teach about selfishness, loving others, and the needs of our neighbors? How does this compare with the deeds of many professed Christians throughout history?

This week we continue the exploration of Isaac and Rebecca's love story in hopes to understand how God introduces us to the right person to fall in love with. How should a person's ministry play a role in whether or not someone is right for them? To what extent does family play a positive and negative role in godly relationships? Should the right partner take you away from the path God has you on or the ministry God has chosen for you? Can we trust God to be part of the process? What are the four facets to a Christian relationship and how do they relate to us today?

This week we are joined by Dr. May-Ellen Colon and Dr. Gaspar Colon as we discuss Jesus on the topic of community outreach. What did Jesus have to say about community outreach? How did Jesus view the church's role in terms of reaching out to those in spiritual darkness? Who is our neighbor? What did He mean by the metaphors of light and salt? What roles do different members within the church play in reaching outsiders? How does the farming analogy illustrate these different roles? How do we prepare the soil, sow the seed, nurture the crop, and reap the harvest?

How does the Old Testament teach the theme of mercy and justice? How did God's mercy and justice play a role in the way the Israelites were to treat and relate to one another? What message might that have for God's people today? How does God want us to show kindness to those around us? What is the proper relationship between religion and practical faith? Can a person focus so much on religious rituals that they undermine the very principles which God stands for while seeming to practice aspects of their faith? How do the Old Testament prophets speak to this situation?


How did the Old Testament show how important God views justice and mercy? What did the OT prophets have to say about this? Who is deserving of compassion? Should a person show kindness to enemies? What laws existed for the Israelites to show mercy on others and prevent oppression? How were the Israelites to relate to the have-nots among them? What powerful message does this send to Christians today? How did the different types of sabbaths reinforce the principles of equality and freedom? How might the principles of God's government compare with our own today?



John Spellman preaches part 2 of the 3 part series on the 3 angels message: Babylon Is Fallen. What does this message mean for the church today? God is calling a people out of Babylon. But, is it possible to recognize what the Book of Revelation meant by Babylon? Is there still a false system of worship that is uniting with the world against God today? Who is the great harlot of Revelation? How does it influence and play a role in the system of confusion that exists today? What is God telling Christians in order to prepare them for the final crisis?

John Spellman hosts Ever-Present focusing on dating and relationships. Does God have a soul mate just for you? Does God care about dating and relationships? Why is spirituality important to  finding a holistic match? Where should I look for the right one for me? What can we learn from the story of Isaac and Rebecca about finding your happily ever-after in today's world? If you're wondering how God can make the difference in your love story, you'll love this episode.