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Topic: Grace

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Dr. Andy Nash joins us this week as we study the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. Why was Jesus led into the wilderness? How did Jesus fulfill prophecy as He went to different places during His ministry? What did Jesus' life reveal about the character of God in contrast to the character of Satan? What message did both Jesus and John the baptist preach, and how would that compare with the message that the world needs to hear today? How can we gain comfort and encouragement looking at the early days of Jesus' ministry according to the gospel of Matthew?

How did Paul summarize the gospel? What was his take on the reality of rebellion and the Great Controversy? How did Paul suggest that we fight in this spiritual war? What did he mean when he compared the church to members of a body, materials of a building, or crops to be grown? How did Paul answer challenges that suggested that there was no resurrection of the dead? This week we take a look at Paul's teachings and how he illuminated many of these themes. Paul spoke of Jesus as the 2nd Adam and showed how the consequences of Adam's mistake was reversed through Christ's ministry.

What challenges and obstacles did the Early Church face? How did Jesus redirect his disciples to his true purpose while they still held on to their pre-conceived ideas and biases? What exactly is the good news of the gospel and in what way were Jesus' followers witnesses? How did the Great Controversy play out in the early church? In what ways did Satan attack the church from within and without? What can we learn from the Early Church that could help us with our challenges today?

What can we learn from the time period of the judges? Why did God raise up these men, women, and children? Why was victory over the army of Sisera given to a woman, Jael, rather than Barak? What can we learn from the story of Gideon about faith? How does the story of Samson show God's willingness to work through people even when they make mistakes? We will also cover the story of Ruth and Samuel. God works through human agencies when they are fully dependent on Him. Yet, even when they go down wrong paths, He turns problematic situations into opportunities.

As we study rebellion and redemption, what impact did sin have on humanity? How did sin impact the children of Adam and Eve as well as the generations to come? What does all this have to do with the Great Controversy? Did God step in to deal with this crisis or did He leave humanity on its own to fend for themselves? What does God's relationship with Abraham teach us about how sure can we be about God's promises? How do the lives of Jacob, Esau, and Joseph show us the growing process God takes us through to accomplish His plans for us?

This week we start a new series on rebellion and redemption. Why is the world as messed up as it is today?  Are the corruption, disease, pollution, and problems we observe part of God's design? What went wrong in the Garden of Eden? Is God to blame for Adam and Eve's mistake? Why did the tree of the knowledge of good and evil exist? Was mankind set up to fail? Why was humanity given power to choose? How does all this tie in with the Great Controversy and with our lives today?




Who is God to you? What can God do in your life? Based on Exodus chapter 3, John Spellman speaks on who God is and what God does. How does God introduce Himself to humanity? How can we begin a personal relationship with God? What does God do when we come to know Him? How can we see the providential hand of God at work? What evidence of God's interaction with humanity can we see today? These questions are explored in the story of Moses' first encounter with God. Learn how God can make all the difference in your life today.
Have you ever watched American Ninja Warrior? Athletes compete to overcome many obstacles and make great sacrifices including money, time, careers, relationship stability, among a host of other things. They are dedicated and resolute in their desire to win. They show themselves willing to do whatever it takes. What can Christians learn from their example about being dedicated to God? Are there many in the church who need a conversion experience? Should God be part of our lives or the center and focus of our lives? What if God had believers like the American Ninja Warriors in these last days?
Does every person need to hear the gospel? Can a person be saved without it? What about people in remote parts of the world that have never heard of Jesus by name? Are they all condemned? Can God reach those who have never heard the gospel? If so, is preaching the gospel really necessary? What advantages does the hearing the gospel have? Can a person reject the gospel and still be saved? Does the whole world really need to hear it? This week we explore the relationship between the gospel and salvation. Can salvation come through other means?

What do we know about Paul before his call on the road to Damascus? What kind of person was he? What can we learn about God's willingness to save the worst sinners from the story of Saul's conversion to the Apostle Paul? How did the early Christians at first respond to Paul's conversion story? Are we any different today with people who have Paul's background? There is much we can learn from Paul's story as we seek to make disciples of men today. Paul's story is a story of hope for the undeserving and those who have a dark past in which they have made the most terrible mistakes.

What can we learn about missionary activity from the story of Jonah? What kind of missionary was Jonah and how did he respond to his calling? Do missionaries have flaws? What does God's pursuit of Jonah tell us about salvation and who God desires to save? Why was Jonah reluctant to go to Nineveh? In what ways are we very similar in attitude to Jonah? This week we explore the story of Jonah from a missionary standpoint and learn how God shows compassion on the repentant and how His judgments are conditional.

What does the Bible teach us about God and missionaries? What is a missionary and what is their mission? In what ways is God Himself a missionary? What took place in the Garden of Eden that caused humanity to be lost? How did Jesus Christ address that problem? What were the consequences of Sin? Why did Adam and Eve fall? What implications does this have for missionaries today? Why did God choose to operate through missionaries instead of heavenly beings or doing the work Himself? This week we tackle many of these subjects as we explore God as a missionary.