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Topic: Grace

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What was the importance of the Jerusalem council? What contributing factors lead to the final sentence by James? How did the conversion of Cornelius and the ministry of Paul play a role? What is the relationship between grace and law? Is obedience still required of Christians? What about adherence to ceremonial customs like circumcision?
How did Saul of Tarsus become the Apostle Paul? What message is there in Paul’s story for believers today? What kinds of opposition did Paul face? Why is Paul considered an apostle of Jesus? Did he see Jesus after the resurrection?
What is the significance of Pentecost? How was the resurrection of Jesus crucial to the event? How did this event manifest the role of the Holy Spirit? Is the gift of tongues a pre-requisite? What is the mission of the Church? What can we learn about the Pentecost experience that can help and inform our walk by faith? How should repentance and baptism play a role?
Are there ever times when you feel alone? You may be a person that has lots of friends or even family, but you may go through times in which you feel misunderstood, out of place, or alone because the people closest to you, don’t really get you! There are times when we can be surrounded by people but still feel like we’re alone. One of the greatest lessons of the Bible is that no matter how alone we may feel, regardless of the circumstances, God is always present with us.
What does Christ do on our behalf as High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary? Can only Levites be priests? What can we learn from the sanctuary system about our salvation? What is the difference between what was accomplished on the cross and what is done for us in heaven? Why is Jesus often referred to as a lamb? What does the sacrifice of Jesus reveal about the character of God?
What does the plan of salvation have to do with end time events? How significant is it that each member of the Godhead plays a role in the salvation experience? Why is the gospel good news? Is the judgment an act of love? Is Jesus more loving than God the Father? How can we know the character of God? Can Jesus really be within us? Why do these things matter in regard to end time events?
Who are God’s chosen people? Does one’s lineage have any role to play in the plan of salvation? Has God completely abandoned Israel? What hope is there for Gentiles and Jews? How does Paul’s metaphor with the wild and good olive trees help clarify this point? Will God save biological descendants of Abraham in the last days? What is meant by the blindness of Romans 11 and strong delusion? Does God pick and choose who he wants to be lost?

Who are the children of promise? Does God predestine some to be saved while others are lost? How can we interpret Romans chapter 9, especially the passages about Pharaoh, Jacob and Esau? Are there people God hates? Does God have the right to show mercy and compassion to some while not to others? How can we clear up misunderstandings about this passage?
What does Paul mean by no condemnation? Can Christians truly have victory over sin? How does the Holy Spirit play a role in that victory? Is everyone really a child of God? What does the Bible mean by Christ in me? What is the role of the law of God? How can having the Holy Spirit dwelling within make the difference? Is everyone no longer condemned, or only certain people?
What does salvation by grace through faith mean for the Christian? Are we saved to live in sin? Does being a Christian mean the law can be disregarded? Are Christians still bound to its moral precepts? What does the Holy Spirit do in the life of the believer? Is there a human element of cooperation with God? How can we yield and surrender our will to God? Can believers really have victory over sin?
Was justification by faith an Old Testament concept? Or was it only in the New Testament? Was the Old Covenant a covenant of legalism or faith? How do Paul’s illustrations with David and Abraham demonstrate the answer? What is the relationship between the law and saving faith? Is the law voided because of faith? What happens in the life of the Christian who receives grace by faith?
What does the Bible say about justification? What is the relationship between the law, faith, grace and justification? How does sanctification fit into all this? Do Christians no longer have to obey the moral law? What merit allows us access to the salvation experience? How did the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ provide for what humanity couldn’t do for itself? How are we to understand Jesus as redeemer, justifier, propitiation, and savior? What is justification by faith?