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Alone With God Devotional Series

Written by Juliet Constantine, these devotionals share thoughts and blessings from on high to give you encouragement, wisdom, and strength to face life's many challenges. Juliet has authored two sets of devotionals: "At His Feet" and "Finding Jesus In The Scriptures". Select from all the devotionals below or choose a topic from the menus.

A great number of young and older persons do not believe in strict obedience to God’s words. They believed that time has changed and they must live a little. Like Eve, many seem to view God’s “thou shalt not” as a mystery to be explored and experienced. After all, God does forgive, doesn’t He? But what so many, like the Jews of old, fail to realize is that though God’s instructions were given long ago, they are all still relevant – even in the 21st century and beyond. 

Have you ever felt regret for wrongful acts you did; and did you change your mind about repeating those actions? In speaking with some listeners, Jesus advised them that no one was good as all people were sinful. He then informed them that unless they repented, they would all perish. No matter how good we think we are or how others sees us, unless we acknowledge, confess and turn from our evil ways, we will perish. It doesn’t matter what you believe or who you worship. Redemption is impossible without repentance. Without repentance, it is a clear indication there is no desire to change, or to surrender to the God of Heaven.

What is it like in your church? Have they become a ‘den of thieves’ or is it still a ‘house of prayer’? Like Jesus, we all can make a difference. We can do our part to keep God’s temple a house of prayer for all people. May God help us to stand for the right, though the heavens falls. It’s time we turn the emphasis back on God because His house is a house of prayer for all people.

Let us rebuild our family altars. In the morning when we rise, let our praise ascend heavenward in thanksgiving to our God. Let us keep Him with us throughout the day. And in the evening, let us turn off our electronics in favor of spending quality time, in thanksgiving to our God. When we spend time to call on God, He promised to hear and to answer. Needless to say, He delights to spend time with us. Let’s do the wise thing – repair the Lord’s altar.

Elijah called his fellow countrymen to take a stand. He knew very well that you are either for or against. You cannot be on both sides. Just like Joshua’s call to his people: “If God be God then serve Him”, Elijah asked for a decision – for or against. He said, “If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” My question to you this day is similar. Whom do you worship? What guides your belief system? Is it the God of Heaven or someone else? Make up your mind.

The Lord declares that He fills Heaven and Earth, and nothing is hidden from Him. All plans we lay in secret are open to His all knowing eyes. We may do so behind closed, sealed and sound proof doors thinking no one will know. But God does see and knows. And He doesn’t keep secret if your plans are for evil. He will reveal them to His prophets and servants.

God’s people are being bombarded with one crucible after another. The enemy of souls is on a rampage of destruction. The fight is on! But we are assured that the hotter the battle, the sweet the victory. Our God Who caused fire to burn on water; Who lights fire without matches; and Who caused water soaked timber and stones to blaze in a pool of water will deliver His own! Our crucibles are only fuel for the fire! You can rest assured that though iniquity increases more and more, God’s grace and protection is here in even greater amounts. We will not fear because the Lord, He is God. He is God of the impossible.

If our good God saw the importance of allowing an axe to swim on murky waters, it is a straight testimony to his servants then, and now that God’s work would go on in-spite-of the increase in idolatry in the land. God’s truth would ‘swim’ irrespective of all the apostatizing – even among the sons of the prophets that were happening. We can take courage from God’s words that nothing is impossible for God to do. Absolutely nothing!

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