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Christian Living

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Love That Transforms

How can we abide in Christ. What transformation must take place in the life of the human being, and what will that transformation look like. Will Christians be noticeably different from everyone else? How will the rest of the world view followers of Christ? What kind of obedience does God want? How can we conform our minds to be in harmony with Christ? How will harmony with Christian principles change the things we do with our time?

Clothed In Christ

The Bible uses the metaphor of clothing to explain some interesting spiritual truths. What does it mean to "put on" Christ or to "Take off" the old man? In this study, John Spellman explores these concepts and what it means to be a new creature!

Wake Up Or Be Sifted!

On October 31st, 2009, Natalie Spellman preached a powerful sermon on "the Shaking" entitled, "Wake Up or Be Sifted!" You'll be blessed when you listen.

Persecuted For Righteousness (MPHH)

Sirius Taylor expounds on Matt 5:10. Have you ever been persecuted for doing nothing wrong? This devotional reminds us that God has a purpose.

Having a Thorn In Your Side (MPHH)

Sirius Taylor and Natalie Spellman present the morning devotional class. Today's topic deals with having a thorn in your side. If you've experienced this, God may be using this thorn to bless you and others.

Fruits of the Spirit (MPHH)

Sirius Taylor presents on Love, Joy, and peace

Dont Miss Opportunity (MPHH)

This week on the Morning Power Half Hour, Natalie presents on God's blessings and opportunities we can't afford to miss. Could you be missing a blessing because of failing to take advantage of opportunity?

God Is An Experience

This study talks about how  you can experience God personally and know that the Bible is not a story, God is a reality and a Present Truth! Have you had an experience? Here’s how you can! Don’t just learn about God... Experience God!

The Battle Is God's (MPHH)

Sirius Taylor and Natalie Shand present the Morning Power Half Hour devotional class. Who does the Battle belong to? We can trust God to be our defense!

God Has Ordained Us

Morning Power Half Hour devotional thought. Morning Power Half Hour devotional thought.