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Right On Time (Part 4)

This week we discuss the judgment and how the earthly service on Yom Kippur was a mini picture of the Heavenly Day of Atonement. When did the judgment begin and when will it end? What will the judgment be like? Who gets judged? Will there be lawyers and prosecutors involved? Will God be fair in the judgment? This week we'll discover some amazing answers to many of these thought provoking questions. This week concludes our study on the prophecies of Daniel 8 and 9.

Right On Time (Part 3)

This week we discuss the start date for the 2300 days and how to calculate the end date. Learn the truth about the first coming of Jesus the Messiah and how the time prophecy of Daniel 9 gave the specific year Jesus would be annointed Messiah-Christ. But what is the 70 week period cut off from the larger 2300 days all about? Why would the Messiah be cut off? What would happen after the covenant was confirmed? We explore all these questions in this indepth look at this prophecy.

Right On Time (Part 2)

This week we discuss the "daily" in depth. What is this "daily"; mentioned in Daniel 8? What does it have to do with Jesus and His ministry in Heaven? How did Satan cast it down with the truth and what does this mean for believers today? The truth about the daily is exposed as we delve into how the counterfeit system of worship was set up to undermine the true worship of God.

Right On Time (Part 1)

The Second Coming (Part 2)

What will the second coming of Jesus be like? Will it be a visible event? Will He come in bodily form? Will Jesus come personally, or will He send a representative. With so much confusion about how and when Jesus will come, can we truely be sure about anything? What does the Bible have to say on this subject? What can we know about the second coming? How can we know when it's near? What will conditions on the earth be like?

Prepare To Meet Thy God

John Spellman preaches on preparation to meet God. Is going to Church and going through the motions of religion really enough? What did Paul mean by "form of godliness"?

When Jesus Comes (Part 2)

This Bible Study expounds on the 2nd coming of Jesus. When will Jesus come? How will we know? Will this be a literal event? How can we be sure we're not deceived?

When Jesus Comes (Part 1)

This Bible Study expounds on the 2nd coming of Jesus. When will Jesus come? How will we know? Will this be a literal event? How can we be sure we're not deceived?

Second Coming

Christine Carter and Andrew Whitaker discuss end time events leading up to the Ultimate Deliverance: the 2nd Coming of Jesus.

The Millennium

What happens during the Millennium. How will God deal with the sin problem? Will there be a second chance for the wicked?