A good friend of mine, whom I had discussed the Sabbath with some time ago sent me an article entitle “Lesson 13: Sabbath Reforms (August 25, 2013)” from International Bible Studies. In the article, the author states discusses the reforms of Nehemiah and in his address of the Sabbath came to the conclusion that the principle of the Sabbath still exists but the literal day is no longer binding and he seems to suggest that to consider it binding for all Christians would be “legalistic”. After thoroughly reading and annotating this lesson I am inclined to agree with the author on many points that were made during the lesson, while disagreeing with the final position taken on the binding nature of the Sabbath.
What do the scriptures tell us about how to keep the Sabbath? When we examine the Bible texts, there is an abundance of information that we can glean. Aside from the specific information given by the texts, we can also look at the Israelite examples, the example of Jesus, and apostolic examples.
An interesting translation of Saturday in other languages… What’s really interesting is that “Saturday” by that name, came about from Pagan Rome. It means Saturn’s Day. It replaced the word original name (Sabbath) of the Seventh day but yet we can still see where that name remains.
With so much speculation about the Mark of the Beast, I’ve come across differing opinions as to what this mark actually means and what it will be. Some of the most common views are that the mark is a computer chip, a physical mark, or a tattoo placed in either the hand or the forehead. However, does this viewpoint really coincide with what the Bible teaches? When one looks up the word used for “mark” in “Mark of the Beast” many feel that it must be a tattoo and argue that the Bible teaches and warns us against piercings. While it is indeed true that Christians should not tattoo themselves, the Mark of the Beast is more complicated than a tattoo. The following is evidence that suggests why the Mark of the Beast could not be a physical mark, though physical marks may or may not be used in support of the authentic Mark of the Beast.
Are there two laws? Does the Bible make a distinction between the Law of God and the Law of Moses? What does the Biblical evidence have to say? John Spellman expounds on the two laws with thorough details and Biblical evidence.