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By: Juliet Constantine

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. (Numbers 23:19-20)

God confounded the sorcerer’s speech! He came to curse and to cast a spell on God’s people. Instead, God used the same sorcerer, an evil man, to pronounce blessings on His people and to foretell the coming of Jesus. What hath God wrought!

Balaam’s mind was filled with covetousness and greed. He was easily swayed at the promise of wealth-even at the expense of others. Though a prophet by profession, he allowed himself to indulge in the world of sorcery and was thus controlled by the evil one. He seemed to have played “room for rent, apply within”. But he should have known that God does not play “when I run out, you run in”. Balaam, should have known, more than anyone else that if God is not Lord of all, He will not be Lord at all. Look how God controlled an evil sorcerer to speak His words. What hath God wrought!

God gave us strict guidelines to be followed so that we can enjoy abundant life here and now while we wait. Yet, so many times, we behave like Balaam, believing that we have enough time to play “room for rent” with the devil. We love being called children of God, and we seem to obey from a heart of love. But God who is the discerner of thoughts knows us and sees our true motives and intention.

How different his life story might have been, had he obeyed from a heart of love! His prayer: “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his” would have certainly been answered and his name listed on the honor roll of Heaven. But Balaam’s words were not in tandem with his attitude. He wanted the glory without the work. Nevertheless, God controlled the situation and confounded his speech to His glory. The people he tried to curse (for gain) received blessings instead. Look what God hath wrought!

In this life, when you remain obedient to God’s will, you will find persons who will try to ‘curse’ you. You will be busy about your own business, while others looking on, maybe envious of your progress and future success. Ignore them and carry on. Irrespective of the hatred and venom that is sent your way, you can be assured of God’s protection and covering. Be assured that those blessed by God cannot be cursed by anyone. Your enemies will see you, and like Balaam, “Awed by these revelations, exclaimed, "Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel." Repeat it aloud, replacing your name with Jacob’s. They like Balaam must proclaim, "What hath God wrought!"

You can be assured that no Satan, no sorcerer or king or anyone can curse God’s people who are under His divine protection. The same protection afforded Israel is available for spiritual Israel today. No covetousness or greed can stop your blessing. As they hate and covet, we need to trust and obey God and our haters can only look and observe, and like Balaam proclaim, “What hath God wrought!”

Our Heavenly Father, truly You are our Shield and Defense. Please help us to abide in You always and serve you from a heart of love. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


Copyrighted by Juliet Constantine 2014 (for “Alone With God – Finding Jesus In The Scriptures” Daily Devotional)