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Topic: Sharing Faith

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Where did Paul travel on his second missionary journey? How did people among the Jews and Gentiles respond to the gospel message? How did God intervene at times when Paul wanted to give up or go in a different direction? Why was Timothy circumcised? How did the approach of the Bereans differ from that of those in Thessalonica?
Pastor Michael Mirra interviews Boro Bacev: an ex-homosexual sharing his testimony on surrendering to God and walking with Jesus as a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. After his conviction through a sermon by Doug Batchelor, Boro no longer identifies as a homosexual. Instead, he shares thoughts on his victory over sin, the modern day compromises in the church, and how to share faith with the LGBT community without compromising Bible principle.
What happened on Paul’s first missionary trip? How did he spread the gospel to different places and how was it received? What kinds of opposition did Paul and Barnabus face? What can we learn from these mission trips that may be applicable to our own mission as Christians today?
How did the early church begin to overcome its cultural biases against Gentiles? What does this say about the church overcoming ethnic biases today? What did Peter’s vision on Acts 10 really mean? Did it have anything to do with food? How did the church that was started in Antioch contribute to the breaking down of cultural barriers?
How did Saul of Tarsus become the Apostle Paul? What message is there in Paul’s story for believers today? What kinds of opposition did Paul face? Why is Paul considered an apostle of Jesus? Did he see Jesus after the resurrection?
Sirius Taylor speaks on the blessing of being blind. Sermon focuses on the story of Jesus healing a blind man who did not sin nor did his parents sin. Is it possible that many of us receive hardship that is our greatest blessing.
What should result from the life of faithful stewardship? How does stewardship impact our influence, salvation experience, contentment, and godliness? How can a relationship with Jesus help us to be contented with our ministry, possessions, and lives overall? What are the rewards of faithful stewardship?
John Spellman speaks on the story of Elijah and Ahab. Ahab calls Elijah the troubler of Israel, but was that really true? How has blaming the messenger been an issue throughout Christian History? Who are the troublers of Israel today? Elijah was called to trouble the conscience of those who did evil. Today, God is calling those willing to stand for what is right.

How important was unity to the early church? How did Paul endeavor to keep unity? On what matters did he stick to principle? Why was the early church split over issues like circumcision and the customs of Moses? What can we learn from them about unity and dealing with conflict? Can the church always be united? Were the apostles always in agreement?




What are the gifts of the Spirit? Are the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit the same thing? Why does God give spiritual gifts to the church? Why are different gifts distributed to different people? How can we test the spirits to know the genuine from the counterfeit? Are some gifts better than others? Is there a difference between gifts of the Spirit and natural talents or abilities?




John Spellman speaks on Luke 17, focusing on the 10 lepers whom Jesus healed. Of these 10 lepers only 1, a Samaritan, returned to glorify God. What can we learn from this powerful story about our relationship with God. Are we like the 9 lepers who never returned? Or are we like the one that glorified God?

Christians are to seek the peace and prosperity of the cities we live in. How does this peace and prosperity help our mission? How did Paul minister to the needs of the various ethnic groups, cultures, personalities, and languages of his time? Is God really concerned with the hurting and suffering of humanity? What impact should the suffering of others have on believers? What are the different ways people may respond to the gospel and how can the church respond? How did the parable of the sower relate to our end time mission to reach the cities of the world?