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Topic: Stewardship

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How is the institution of work intended as a blessing to humanity? How did work change from before the Fall to afterwards? How can the work we do be a blessing to others and to ourselves? What is the balance between work, faith, family, and leisure time? How should faith inform our work experience? What should be the mindset we have while working?
What does it mean to love mercy? How should Christians respond and relate to those in need? How can we be a voice to the voiceless? Should all voices be heard? What is the relationship between faith and practical living? Does God accept our worship if we mistreat one another? How can we cultivate a character of compassion, generosity, peace-making, education, prayer, and good expectations?
This quarter we start a new series on family and relationships? Did God create man for relationships? Is there an order to life and to all things in Creation? What did Solomon mean when he talked about the different times and seasons for purposes under heaven? What patterns, changes, and cycles do we experience in life and also around us?
What was life like in the early church? How did the church grow and thrive? What challenges did they face and how can they inform how we do church today? Why were the apostles arrested? What does that teach us about persecution in the last days?
What should result from the life of faithful stewardship? How does stewardship impact our influence, salvation experience, contentment, and godliness? How can a relationship with Jesus help us to be contented with our ministry, possessions, and lives overall? What are the rewards of faithful stewardship?
What does it mean to be a faithful steward? What does a steward’s habits look like? How do stewards relate to the second coming of Jesus? How should they spend their time? What are the priorities of stewards and how do they relate to their own minds and bodies? What are practical things Christians can do to live like faithful stewards?
What are some practical tips the Bible gives toward managing money? Should Christians be in debt? How should believers relate to instant gratification? Is it a sin to save? How do attitudes toward money and toward God lead to poverty and prosperity? Should we spend money we don't have? What can we learn from Jesus about self-denial? How can a Christian learn to be content?
What does it mean to be honest with God? How should honesty demonstrate itself in tithing? Why do we give back to God? What do Biblical examples show us about faithfulness and honesty? How can we learn to trust God as many did in the Biblical record? How does revival and reformation lead one to desire to give financially? If God has no need of money, why does He require the tithe?
What are the characteristics of a steward? As stewards of God's truth, gospel, wisdom, and all that He entrusts to us, what is expected of believers? Are we accountable individually accountable to God? How can we be faithful with a clear conscience? How does how we conduct ourselves in everyday secular activities demonstrate our loyalty to God?

This week we are joined by Dr. May-Ellen Colon and Dr. Gaspar Colon as we discuss Jesus on the topic of community outreach. What did Jesus have to say about community outreach? How did Jesus view the church's role in terms of reaching out to those in spiritual darkness? Who is our neighbor? What did He mean by the metaphors of light and salt? What roles do different members within the church play in reaching outsiders? How does the farming analogy illustrate these different roles? How do we prepare the soil, sow the seed, nurture the crop, and reap the harvest?

What does the book of Proverbs say about living by faith? How does Solomon further elaborate on his themes of oppression and treatment of the poor? While riches are not a sin, what does the Bible say about how people should become rich? This week we explore Proverbs 28 - 29. Solomon discusses themes of true leadership and corruption, warning of the perils of ruling by unjust means. Why does Solomon suggest its better to have little and maintain integrity compared to having much but resorting to unrighteousness to get there?

What does the book of James say about the rich? Does the Bible condemn riches? Does it favor the poor? How can we understand James' warning to the rich? What Biblical principles can we grasp that should influence the way Christian employers conduct and do business? James draws our attention to corruption and oppression as he warns of the judgment to come. God holds us accountable for the blessings He gives to us.